When you pick up a check the detail is loaded into memory on the workstation. Check printing uses internal ISL/SIM commands to run through this detail, format and print the check.
I did some diggin around a few years ago and still don't know how the info is retrieved. I've tried cranking up the database verbosity on the server, picking up a check from there and monitoring it with DBMSConsole to see if any stored procedures are called and got nothing.
If OPS gets check detail from the database it looks like it may be an ad-hoc query built into the executable. Picking up a check seems way to fast for the system to query the database for check info though, so it may be stored in memory. Also, if the server goes down and there's no backup server the workstations will go into standalone mode and still be able to access checks that are already open.
Hmm, makes me wonder. If you open a check on Terminal 1 and move to terminal 2 and try to open it how does it get that check information (it can't be in memory on both computers come on these are terminals not high in workstations lol).
What I am trying to figure out is how to handle split checks and shared checks. Shared I think I got,Splits however ARGH!
Did you know that when you have a check with 4 items and you split items 1 and 2 to a new check, the leave behind records, but for the life of me when I query the original check I can not figure out how to determine which items were split and which ones stayed.
OPS retrieves the chk from the database each time, when it can. You can tell which ones were split off by they were added to the new check with a rpt_cnt and rpt_ttl = 0
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