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Micros 3700 Mods not included in trigger total discounts 1

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Feb 3, 2015
Res 5.4 - I configured a discount with a Rule Setup>Rule Type Total Price Threshold with a Trigger Total of $35 and flagged Amount off Trigger. The discount works when a single item over $35 is ordered or when more than one main item is ordered as long as they total over $35 but if you order one item under $35 and then add modifiers to add up to the $35, the discount doesn't work. It's like it doesn't count the price on the modifiers towards the trigger amount.

I verified the menu item class for mods is flagged that the item can be discounted. What else could be causing this?

I've run into the same problem with the priced modifiers not counting towards a threshold amount for a discount rule. Did anyone ever find a solutions/workaround?
Priced modifiers don't change the price of the menu item, just the amount due. My guess is that the priced mods have to be added to the menu item set used as the trigger.
Thank you pmegan.

While a test of your guess (I included ALL items in our database in the trigger menu item set) did not solve the problem, your comments got me thinking and I went hunting for the switch that would include the price of the modifiers in the parent item price. Less than ideal for us but at least it would be a start. Instead, I found something even better:

POS Configurator|Sales|Menu Item Classes|Price/Totals|
Contains a switch "Auto discount apply to condiments". When this switch is checked for the PARENT ITEM menu class then the priced condiments rung in with that parent item are included in the threshold calculation. Solved.

Thank you very much, pmegan, for nudging me in the right direction! Hope this helps the OP if they have not found this switch yet.
Just wanted to drop a line to thank you for posting this fix after the fact. We use item price substitution rules for various HH discounts, and could not figure out how to get upcharges like "$tall" also discounted.

If anyone in the future has any questions as to whether this option bit works with manual discounts, they do. It's confusing - I interpreted "Auto Discount" as only pertaining to the automatic discount type. While that's true, it also caters to Rule Based discounts which can be applied manually.
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