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Message wating light for two extensions with separate voicemail boxes on a single 9608 phone 1

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May 13, 2009
HI experts

I need to create a separate incoming line to an Avaya 9608 phone that already has a main extension. The new line is for a separate service and will have it's own voicemail box - I used the bridge feature to put the extension onto one of the buttons of the phone and it does ring in properly and they can answer etc.. Also the separate voicemail box is set up but the light on the phone does not come on when a message has been left.

The pbx is an S8300 with Avaya Aura messaging ..

I did set the mwi field in the extension station programming to be the main phone extension - but it still doesn't show up on the phone. The light is working because the voicemail box for the main number does light the light when there's a message. What am I missing to allow the separate extension to light the message light as well or is that possible ?

I am not an Avaya expert - and acquired this system as part of our customers solution - any help with how to make this work is greatly appreciated !


add a auto-msg-wt key - that's what it does!
The main lamp of the phone is defined on pg 1 of the station form - which could be for a different extension if you happened to have 10 users share a group mailbox with no personal mailbox of their own.

Otherwise, you can assign keys for MWI for different mailboxes
Thanks so muhc Kyle555 !
I was wondering if I needed to add a key instead ( I have done that on the older Nortel systems before ) .. Appreciate the help and guidance here!

Just to confirm - on the extension programming for the secondary incoming number - on the page 1 of the station form.. do I indicate the MWI extension as the main phone extension or this new extension that has the bridged appearance on that phone ? This new number does not have a phone of it's own as the prime extension - Hope that makes sense what I'm trying to explain

thanks again!

pg1 of the station form is the big lamp - like the thing that makes the envelope key red on a 9600 set. the aut-msg-wt key is a separate feature key that just lights up when the MWI is on.

What I don't know off hand, and what would be clever, is if CM were smart enough to use the 'voicemail number' programmed on the first page of buttons for the aut-msg-wt key. Basically, on your first page of keys, usually page 4, you'll see voicemail number at the bottom left. That's the 'speed dial' for the envelope key to dial the voicemail DN. It'd be nifty if pressing aut-msg-wt 2222 dialed the voicemail DN from 2222 to get prompted for that mailbox password.
WE put stutter dial-tone on main for voice mail and use the light for the bridged line.
Nothing wrong with an aut-msg-wt key as well. As Kyle 1st stated.
I've added an aut-msg-wt key on the main line phone..and asked them to test since I support this system remotely. I'd like to know how to find the IP address of the set so that I can log into it remotely as well.

I'm still unclear as to what to put in the field of Message Waiting Ext on page 1 of the line that is bridged on the phone.. do I list it's extension or the main phone extension here or does it matter if I'm using the aut-msg-wt key ? I had tried putting in the main phone extension here but it didn't light the message light when a message was left in that separate voicemail box.

thank for all the help !

Phones have 1 MWI - that's what the field on page 1 means. On newer 9600 phones, that's the envelope key that lights up red when MWI is on.

In voicemail, every mailbox # has an extension # - and 99 times out of 100, mbx#=extn. Voicemail sends a MWI signal to the PBX to light lamp for extn 1234. If your set has page 1's MWI field as 1234, then it's envelope key will light when voicemail says 1234 has a message waiting. If you happened to have 4 extensions in a group sharing 1 mailbox without them having mailboxes of their own, you'd want that field on page 1 to be the group mailbox.

Completely aside from that, a set can have keys that are programmed as MWIs of other extensions. Those are the aut-msg-wt keys. Heck, if you had 1111,2222,3333,4444 each have their own mailboxes, but they're in a gang and share mbx 5555 and you think that one is more important, nothing stops you from putting 5555 in each of their page 1 MWI fields so their main lamp is for that shared mailbox and then giving 1111 a aut-msg-wt of 1111, 2222 an aut-msg-wt of 2222, etc because you want their own mailbox MWIs on keys so you can have the most visual indicator be for the shared mailbox rather than their personal mailbox.
Thanks kyle555 - that makes total sense and very helpful !

The secondary extension doesn't have a set of it's own and only an appearance as a bridged extension on a key of phone with a different prime extension.. so I'll use the aut-msg-wt key as you've mentioned and list it's own extension in the page1 of the station form ( although without it's own phone that won't do much at this point if I understand correctly .. i.e. it doesn't have any bearing on the aut-msg-wt key function, correct ? ) I'm probably not explaining this very well - sorry

Also ..can I find out the IP address of the phone via a command ? I'd like to log into it's webpage if possible

thank you !

status station 1234 has the IP of set 1234 in the later pages - that isn't terribly important, you can't do much with it. You can't login remotely to a phone with it's IP unless SSH is on and you work for Avaya and have the magic password of the minute. The newest of the newest phones have webpages you can login to for config purposes, but I haven't fooled with those yet. The only configs you push the phone beyond PBX programming are via a 46xxsettings.txt file - stuff like if your speaker works or not if you're in a closed office or not.

Otherwise, if you're using a bridged appearance - say, 1111 has a brdg-appr of station 2222, and 2222 never logs in anywhere, that still means 2222 is a station as far as the PBX is concerned. I've never actually fooled around to this point with it, but my understanding is that the PBX will retain a MWI state for every station per what page 2 for Message Center says. It wouldn't matter if 1111 had Message Lamp on page1 saying 2222 insofar as that wouldn't preclude station 3333 from having either Message Lamp of 1111 on page 1 and/or having an aut-msg-wt of 1111. So long as 1111 has configuration on page 2 to get a MWI signal, the PBX will know 1111 has a message waiting and can use that on any other station - even if your intent was to never show that to 1111.

That's the most straightforward way I can think of the boss getting a voicemail but not bothering them with MWI and letting the assistant deal with it. The boss can still have a separate mailbox for VIPs only and the boss's phone can light up for that and only that.
Okay great.. thanks so much kyle555..
What is the feature called on page2 that I need to ensure is on ? - MWI Served User Type ? qsig-mwi .. I've attached a pic of the page 2 for the secondary bridged extension to help

thanks !

Yeah. That's it. It can be a number of different things if you have a SIP, analog or h323 voicemail, but if you only got 1 voicemail, just use what the rest of the sets have.
Great.. thanks again kyle555,

Funny thing was this morning the client emailed me to say that the message waiting light key is working for the secondary line but her main extension no longer rings and forwards to the cover path.. I had to add another call appearance ( key 1 and key 2 ) for her main line, moved the aut-msg-wt key over to key 6 and her line was reachable again .. is that normal to need two line appearances ? I'd checked the status of the station and it was enabled and not showing any faults..

thanks for the help !

pg 2, on the right, restrict last appearance for conf/xfer

When that's on, your last free call-appr can't take calls, it's only for being able to get dial tone to conference/xfer
For IP phones, you can find a lot of detail with the 'status station xxxx' - if the phone is on a call you will see the IP details of the set plus what it's connected to (VoIP DSP / Trunk etc..) and a Jitter/Delay score

The command 'list registered' (in GEDI is best) will list all registered IP stations with IP address / Network region / controller address etc..

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