We've got a legend system with merlin messaging. I'm not very familiar with the stuff, but there's a bunch of 012 boards, a 100D, and a few 012 boards.
Can I get caller ID to show on our mlx-10d handsets? We're running magix 2.1, winSPM 6, merlin messaging 2.5.... I would think it is all caller ID capable, yes, no?
Would the default config be to show caller ID info on the phone if it was available?
If I need a board like the 408 gs/ls-id-mlx instead of the 408 gs/ls-id-mlx I've got, would just one do the trick, or would they all have to be replaced? I thought the 408 board was for either internal or external lines, and they're all setup for internal I believe. Wouldn't the 100D be what picks up the ANI?
Thanks, in advance--
Can I get caller ID to show on our mlx-10d handsets? We're running magix 2.1, winSPM 6, merlin messaging 2.5.... I would think it is all caller ID capable, yes, no?
Would the default config be to show caller ID info on the phone if it was available?
If I need a board like the 408 gs/ls-id-mlx instead of the 408 gs/ls-id-mlx I've got, would just one do the trick, or would they all have to be replaced? I thought the 408 board was for either internal or external lines, and they're all setup for internal I believe. Wouldn't the 100D be what picks up the ANI?
Thanks, in advance--