I have a grid on my Worksheet in cells A1 through Cell J20. Under the grid I need to type a paragraph. I want the text "squared up" on the right side as well as the left. I typed the entire paragraph in cell B25 because when you merge, only the upper left cell contents are captured. I grabbed a large area of cells and did a FORMAT CELLS, ALIGNMENT, HORIZONTAL=JUSTIFY, VERTICAL=TOP, and MERGE is checked.
Sometimes it works great. Other times, with very large amounts of text, only about 10 rows of text appear when I leave the formatted text area. If I go back into the newly merged area, the text is still there. It is just cutting off after the first 10 or so sentences. Is there a limit on how many text characters I can use when merging?
Sometimes it works great. Other times, with very large amounts of text, only about 10 rows of text appear when I leave the formatted text area. If I go back into the newly merged area, the text is still there. It is just cutting off after the first 10 or so sentences. Is there a limit on how many text characters I can use when merging?