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Menu incomplete

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Oct 4, 2001
Hello all !

I have a big (!) problem with a project in VFP5: I have a top-level form menu and a top-level form and also a main program to start the form. In the beginning, the menu had 2 pads each of 3 bars; I runned the program, and it looked ok; I extended the menu to 4 pads, I saved it, I have regenerated the mpr file, I have rebuilded the project, but when I run the program, the menu have the old face with only 2 pads ! Interesting that I rebuilded the project again, I builded an exe; in the exe, the menu is ok, with 4 pads.
Does anyone know why ?

Thanks in advance.
Sometimes VFP compiles the wrong versions of prgs and menus and scx. When you re-compile your exe make sure you select "recompile all files" option.
Thanks Mgagnon, but the "recompile all files" option is checked. I still try to understand what's going on... If you have any other ideas, please write.

If you are running this program from inside the development environment, make sure you do a CLEAR PROGRAM before you try the "new" version. (This will flush out the VFP cached code that it will continue using otherwise.)

If you are running this from a shortcut, double check that it's actually point to the code file that you are actually compiling to.

If you are going through an entire Setup Wizard, Install process, be sure that you change the Version number on your App (when you click "Build" from the project manager, click the "version" button).

The setup program doesn't always replace your main .EXE file if the version isn't different.
Thank you for your replies.
I'll revise my first thread: so, I have a new menu with 4 pads instead of 2, as it was in the beginning; I follow the next steps:
1. I regenerate the mpr file of the menu (4 pads);
2. When i run inside the development environment, the menu has only the first 2 pads;
3. I rebuild the project with the "Recompile all files" option checked;
4. I build an exe file from the project;
5. I quit vfp5.0, run the exe and there the menu has all the 4 pads.
6. I enter vfp again, run inside the development enviroment, and (surprise !), the menu has the same old 2 pads.
I tried also with CLEAR PROGRAM, but with no result.
I still can't figure what's wrong...

Hi Salmano,

Let us say.. the .mpr file you created is myMenu.mpr
This file is located in two different places by mistake. The first one could be in the default VFP area and the other in your project area. One of the file you have included in the project.. which you can check in the project. Whern you run from the development environment, the other .mpr file is run. So identify the correct one and delete the other.
If you are not sure, search using windows file finder for the myMenu.MPR and delete all of them, recreate the .mpr file again and recompile. You will be thru'.

Hope this helps you :)
ramani :)
(Subramanian.G),FoxAcc, ramani_g@yahoo.com
Thank you ramani.
I checked what you said and everything is as it should be, all the files in the same path/folder, and I have an "set default to" command; the problem might me caused by the fact that I have installed on my cpu both VFP50 and VFP60 even if they are installed in different places; maybe some conflicts appear... I tried on another cpu which have only VFP50 installed, and it worked fine. The problem is that I need both versions of VFP, so i'll buy another cpu :)
Do you think this could be the cause ?
Thank you again.
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