I have 4 PN's in my building (s87xx/G650).. all critically reliable (dual IPSI,MPRO,CLAN. 1 of the PN's serve 2 floors of users whom were all using digital phones. These users are now all migrated to IP phones and we are thinking to get rid of those 2 G650's as there are plenty other registration points (clan) throughout the remaining PN's. Are there any issues with retiring that PN? I'm concerned about the DSP resources. I would have another 3 PN's with dual Medpro's in each.
Also, I have 2 spare TN2602 circuit packs from an retired site in the US. Can I plug these into a G650 in our UK office?
Also, I have 2 spare TN2602 circuit packs from an retired site in the US. Can I plug these into a G650 in our UK office?