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Media sets problem?? 2

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May 29, 2003
Hi everyone,
In my BE 9 i've built four media sets and placed two media's in each media set. also i define four backup jobs and associate each job to a diffrent media set (unique to the job).
I've generate this config in order to create a special structure which every backup job is being stored in its separated cassettes. all of the medias was defined as overwritable (no overwrite protection was set).

In the scenario which i'm facing with i've notice that when a job is starting it's using a diffrent media from those i define, also the BE moves this media from one media set to the one that actually associate with the running job.

Does anyone can tell how to force/config the BE SW to use a cassette/media from the exact media set which i've defined without moving media's dinamicly from one media set to another??

Thanks a lot,
Please, did someone hered on this phenomenal?

since it is a library, you can setup partitions.

In devices, right click the robot and choose configure partitions.

Setup you partitions, say 2 slots each.
Then direct the backup job to use the specific partition you want.

This way, backup exec will only ever take tapes from the partition specified in the backup job and nowhere else.
Thanks, i'll seriously consider this solution.
Still i cannot understand why the BE is dynamicly changing the media's place everytime job is starting? (if its change then for what porpuse do i need media sets??).

also i have another question, i set the incremental method for one of the my backups job but the BE perform full backup insted, why and how can i fix this?

Many users on this forum have problems with media sets.

What are your Media Overwrite Options and Media Overwrite Protection Levels set to?

What is the append period on the media set in question?
overwrite protection = overwritable(no overwrite protection), appendable until = infinite - zllow append.

So is there is efficient proposal for how to define a media set in a way which the media's that i've placed inside the media set will not move dynamically to other media set? i want that the media's will be constantly associate with one media set (which i placed them in).


there isn't a way to stop this - if the job doesn't find a piece of media needed in the media set assigned to the job, it will look elsewhere, scratch media or other media sets.

As I said the best way around this is to use partitions on the library.
Thanks justin,
I have another problem as i've mention above, i'm using an incremental backup method(by modification date) in one of my jobs and it doesn't work, i can see that this job is always performing a full backup operation.

Does someone have any idea?
Ensure that the Full backup that is in conjuction with that incremental is also set to use modified time.

FULL - allow inc and diff using modified time
INCREMENTAL - Using modified time

Also, ensure that both jobs have the exact same selection list.

Those are the two main reasons I have seen to have incrementals perform Fulls instead
Hey Moonlight1,

I am having the same problem with Media sets. When I setup the media sets they look fine. When I go and run a backup, the backup uses random tapes instead of the tapes I assigned to the media set for that backup. It also moves tapes from another media set I had created to a different media set?

I was under the impression this is what Media sets of for? To designate what tapes you wanted to use for your individual backups. I am going to try partitions like Justin suggested. Also try and add the write protection to the disks.

by the way I am using a Cybernetics HSTC (High speed tape cache) it allows you to use virtual tapes, and copy them to physical tapes.


I'm glad that this thread was helpfull for your scenario as well, although it's seems not reasonable that there is NO option to define a fix media set content insted of the random selection.

The partition solution is not so good in case that i want to direct the bacup job to use a specific cassettes (so i can quikly identify the cassettes). anyway maybe i'll try to contact veritas regarding this case.

Good luck.
what about scratch media set. if your config says overite instead of happen anf your protectiin date is not expired, you will notice that the system will take the oldest tape and will overwrite it
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