Technical User
Hi forum,
I have a form/subform one to many realtionship. On my subform I have a field named parcels. On the main form I have a text box named total parcels using this control source.
I have this in the after update of the subform
This caculates great..but when the user tabs off the parcels field it takes two tries. The parcels field is the last field in the row. It's weird when the user puts a value in the field the cursor moves to the right slighty,then when you tab the focus move back and the focus is now on the value the user typed, then another tab moves the focus to the next empty row like it should. I hope this clear.
I have a form/subform one to many realtionship. On my subform I have a field named parcels. On the main form I have a text box named total parcels using this control source.
=DSum("parcels","tblpurchdata","warehouseid=" & nz([warehouseid],0))
Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
End Sub