I'm fairly new to MDX (1 week) but i'm under a tight deadline, as we all are...
anyway, i have a reporting services report with 3 different parameters (name, location, rep). I am using these parameters to create an mdx where clause to hit an olap data source.
I need to be able to use the isEmpty function in the where clause where if my parameter isempty, I can default to [All Name] for example.
Here's what I have now:
{{[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2003].[Quarter 1].[January],[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2003].[Quarter 1].[February],[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2004].[Quarter 1].[January],[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2004].[Quarter 1].[February],[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2005].[Quarter 1].[January],[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2005].[Quarter 1].[February]}} ON ROWS,
{[Measures].[Count of shipments],[Measures].[Weight],[Measures].[Rev - Fuel]} ON COLUMNS
FROM [Negotiations 2]
WHERE (isEmpty([parameterName],[All Name],[parametername]), isempty([parameterLoc],[All Loc],[parameterLoc]), isempty([parameterRep],[All Rep],[parameterRep]))
anyway, i have a reporting services report with 3 different parameters (name, location, rep). I am using these parameters to create an mdx where clause to hit an olap data source.
I need to be able to use the isEmpty function in the where clause where if my parameter isempty, I can default to [All Name] for example.
Here's what I have now:
{{[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2003].[Quarter 1].[January],[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2003].[Quarter 1].[February],[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2004].[Quarter 1].[January],[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2004].[Quarter 1].[February],[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2005].[Quarter 1].[January],[Fb Date].[All Fb Date].[2005].[Quarter 1].[February]}} ON ROWS,
{[Measures].[Count of shipments],[Measures].[Weight],[Measures].[Rev - Fuel]} ON COLUMNS
FROM [Negotiations 2]
WHERE (isEmpty([parameterName],[All Name],[parametername]), isempty([parameterLoc],[All Loc],[parameterLoc]), isempty([parameterRep],[All Rep],[parameterRep]))