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MDIForm receive focus when MDIChild closes

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Aug 5, 2002

I am doing a simple application where I have a MDIForm and a MDIChild (Which is a login/password window).

When I press "OK" in the MDIChild i unload the MDIChild but i can´t find any event on MDIForm that allows me to go get the login/password introduced...

Any idea how i do this?

Thanks in advance

In MDIChildForm:

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
MDIForm1.Password = Text1.Text
End Sub

In MDI Form:

Option Explicit

Private mstrPassword As String

Private Sub MDIForm_Click()
MsgBox Password
End Sub

Private Sub MDIForm_Load()
End Sub

Public Property Get Password() As Variant
Password = mstrPassword
End Property

Public Property Let Password(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)
mstrPassword = vNewValue
End Property

Thanks Harleyquinn and vladk ... but what i really wanted to know was what event is fired in MDIForm when i close MDIChild..

Hope i made myself clear.. :)

Thanks in advance..

I don't think such an event exist.

Pick the example I gave in the first thread...

When the user clicks "OK" in the MDIChild i want to do somwthing in the MDIForm.... My question is? How does the MDIForm knows that the "OK" button in MDIChild was pressed?

THe way it is right know, i press OK and then i don´t know where the focus is... I guess this is where events come in... but fow what i see there are no events to catch this, right?


I think you would need to read Harleyquinn's and my responses more carefully. I believe, Harleyquinn gave you right direction and I gave some code to illustrate it.


I think I understand what you're trying to do, Sara. You're trying to automatically execute code on the MDI parent when the user closes the MDI child. But, the MDI parent doesn't expose any native events that allow this, as vladk points out.

I also believe I see where you're running into trouble. Once the user inputs a password and hits ok, you want to unload the form and start executing code in the parent form, and nothing happens.

Well, this is because you're trying to use an MDI form for a purpose it wasn't intended for. MDI forms are intended to work as discrete units, but related visually and logically by existing in a single container. The container is responsible for containing the children, and that's pretty much it. It's the children that are intended to do the work.

What you really need is to show the form modally, and an MDI child form can't be because it's against its nature. You want to show a form, get a result from that form, and move on based on that result. Personally, I wouldn't use an MDI form, rather I would use a regular form set up as a dialog box. (Set the style property to fixed dialog.)

Here's some code from a project. doLogin shows a login dialog and returns false if not successful, true if successful. If true, it sets some global variables with information from the login. I set this up as a separate proc here because I'm working with multiple forms based on the screen size of the client. You might not need to make a separate proc, but could just put similar code in form_load for your main form.

Private Function doLogin(lCn As ADODB.Connection) As Boolean
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
doLogin = False
With frmLogin
    Set .lCn = lCn
    .Show vbModal
    Select Case .LoginStatus
        Case my3Strikes
            MsgBox "Third login failure; exiting program"
        Case myCancel
            MsgBox "Login canceled; exiting program"
        Case mySuccess
            DealerCode = .DealerCode
            DealerName = .DealerName
            doLogin = True
    End Select
End With
Unload frmLogin
End Function

frmLogin has 2 text boxes: Dealer code (user code, as it were) and password, as well as an Ok and a Cancel button. Here's the code in frmLogin:
Option Explicit
Enum LogVals
    my3Strikes = 0
    myCancel = 1
    mySuccess = 2
End Enum
Public LoginStatus As LogVals
Public DealerCode As Long
Public DealerName As String
Public lCn As ADODB.Connection

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
LoginStatus = myCancel
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
'check for correct password
Static TryCount As Integer
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
If txtDealerCode.Text = "" Then
    MsgBox "Enter a dealer code"
    Exit Sub
ElseIf txtPassword.Text = "" Then
    MsgBox "Enter a password"
    Exit Sub
End If
TryCount = TryCount + 1
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
    .Open "select dlr_code, dlr_pword, dlr_name from dealeraccounts where dlr_code = '" & txtDealerCode.Text & "'", lCn
    If .EOF And .BOF Then
        If TryCount = 3 Then
            LoginStatus = my3Strikes
            MsgBox "Invalid Password for Dealer Code " & txtDealerCode.Text, , "Login"
            SendKeys "{Home}+{End}"
        End If
    ElseIf txtPassword.Text = !dlr_pword Then
        LoginStatus = mySuccess
        DealerCode = !dlr_code
        DealerName = !dlr_name
    ElseIf txtPassword.Text <> !dlr_pword Then
        MsgBox "Invalid Password for Dealer Code " & txtDealerCode.Text, , "Login"
        SendKeys "{Home}+{End}"
    ElseIf TryCount = 3 Then
        LoginStatus = my3Strikes
    End If
End With
End Sub

Notice that I didn't bother with property procedures in this case, since I didn't need any functionality that public variables don't provide. Or, maybe it's because I'm lazy.

Anyway, hope this helps.

Thanks a lot Bob... You really got my point...
I know what to do now. :)

Thanks again
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