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MDAC 2.6 and SQL7

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Technical User
Mar 26, 2002
We updated our NT server from MDAC 2.5 to MDAC 2.6 sp2 and all of a sudden we started getting errors about not being able to find any stored procedures when run from the web envirionment. When we run these stored procedures from the development environment, or Query Analyzer they run fine. But when run from a web page, we get and odbc error--cannot find 'stored procedure'.

When I create and adodb connection and run a cmdText query, it runs fine, but if I specify that the cmdText is a stored procedure I get the error.

any suggestions are greatly appreciated..

I had some surprise results after applying the iis lockdown tool on my system.. (have you run this???)

OK.. This doesn't sound like a mdac thing (just from my experience - but..)

I would tend to think that you are seeing a permssion issue or a connection string thing..

You could test to see if you are defaulting to the correct database by doing a quick echo of your database context..

rs.open "select db_name()",cn
response.write rs(0).value

You could also check who you are accessing the system as..
rs.open "select suser_sname()",cn
response.write rs(0).value
(assuming an ado recordset object called rs and a valid open connection called cn)

Assuming both of those return expected results, double check your permissions..

Also, strange.. ODBC error?????
What is your provider? MSDASQL or SQLOLEDB...

Are you using a dsn?

Sorry no clear reasons, but if you ansewr your thread I will be watching it..



Thanks for your reply. I was able to fix the problem. It seems that the connection string was copy and paste from a command object created with Visual Interdev 1.0. So the commandText property was as follows:
cmdTemp.CommandText = "dbo.""get_juvy_data;1"""

When attempting to open a connection, I would receive the following error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.get_juvy_data;1'.

So by simply changing the command text to:
cmdTemp.CommandText = 'dbo.getjuvy_data'
and problem solved...

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