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MBG and SIP Phones, no detection of pick up, audio issues 1

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Mar 23, 2005
This is my environment:

Mitel 3300 with MCD 5.0 SP2 PR2
Mitel Standard Linux 10.1.49 running on VMware 6.0
MiVoice Border Gateway V8.1.26.0

After a lot of messing about, I final got the MBG (Teleworker) working so that my SIP softphone on my iPad connects to the MBG and registers without issue.

Now I have new problems. If I call my desk phone, it rings and I pick it up. The SIP softphone on my iPad is still ringing though as if no one answered. If I hang up the desk phone, the iPad is still ringing and I have to manually stop it. I have registered the SIP softphone against the 3300 directly and it works perfectly, so it's definitely the MBG causing the issue.

On MiNet devices (a 5330 IP Phone) they work better but I only get one way audio.

I've run a trace on our router between the subnets of the 3300, my iPad, desk phone and the MBG. All traffic is being forwarded without any drops. The only drop I've seen is a ping, which I guess is the local streaming figuring out if the two phones are on the same subnet. (They aren't)

My MBG settings are attached. Can anyone help?

Many thanks,
The phones are on different subnets? Have you got routing enabled for one to get to the other? How is it going to work otherwise? RTP is direct between the two endpoints and if they are on different subnets....
The desktop phones and Mitel are on one subnet, MiCollab is on a different one and the iPad also on a different one.

Just for example of my setup:

Mitel 3300 and desktops phones:

All three networks are listed on the 'Networks' Trusted Networks section including the router to traverse between the subnets (which is the router for the MiCollab domain)

Performing a trace route from the MBG, I can successfully communicate to both the Mitel 3300 and the iPad.
Please confirm that the Trusted Networks are programmed on BOTH the MiCollab and the MBG

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
Can you confirm where on the MBG you program the trusted networks? I've gone through all the tabs but I cannot find it.

Note: We only have one virtual server running both the MiCollab and the MBG. Just in case you are thinking our MBG is a separate server.
Further information, on the iPad I noticed that when I call my desk phone, it states my upload is 10kb but my download is 0kb. This is probably why the iPad softphone doesn't detect the desk phone has been answered, I'm only communicating in one direction. I'll do more packet tracing to see if I can see why.

EDIT: Tried this without the MBG, direct to the ICP which works without issue, it didn't register download speed until after the call was picked up, so the information on screen was misleading.
Update: I disabled PRACK on the MBG and now the telephones answers when the softphone calls a desk phone. I still have no audio however. I've traced the data on the network and I'm seeing RTP data going from the ICP to the private LAN adapter of the MBG, I do not however see any RTP data coming out of the MBG's WAN interface to the Internet where my softphone is. It seems like the data just stops at the MBG, any ideas why?

My setup is:

Mitel 3300 Subnet (Trusted) > Dell SonicWALL Router > MBG LAN Subnet (Trusted by default)

MBG WAN Subnet (Not Trusted) > Dell SonicWALL Router > NAT > External Router with static IP > Internet > Softphone on MiCollab Mobile

SonicWALL has open ports for the traffic and NAT from one of our External IP to the MBG WAN interface

MBG is in Gateway Network Mode with two interfaces, one for LAN and one for WAN.

This system is driving me nuts so any help grateful appreciated.

Check your Credentials in the MPG SIP Tunks. Check you have same IP or FQDN in 3300 SIP Registrar (SIP Peer Network Element) as you do in MBG SIP trunks. My SIP provider had two domains I could register with and I used FQDN in the 3300 and used the opposite IP in MBG trunks.
Thank you for your reply, I'm not using SIP trunks, just SIP phones.

I have made some progress however. I can now make calls from my mobile whiles connect to the corporate wifi. This wasn't working previously due to a firewall issue on UDP port 20000-31000.

Now I just need access from the Internet to work. Got to be a NAT or firewall issue. Figuring it out now.

At least I know the MBG is actually working.
SIP-alg enabled on the firewall? one way xm is common when this is the case.

I thought MBG in Gateway mode only used one network interface....Two network interfaces for Server Gateway mode....
SIP Transformation (SIP-alg) was switched on, disabled but still no audio. Continuing with packet traces.

'Server-gateway configuration on the network edge' is the Network Profile I have selected. Though it states 'This server is currently in mode: Gateway mode'.

It's weird, I see the RTP packet from the ICP to MBG, but they go no further. I see no attempts from MBG to communicate the RTP's forward from the WAN adapter. It's like the MBG doesn't know what to do next. On the wifi test that now works, I can see RTP's bouncing around the LAN and WAN between my softphone and ICP. Why doesn't it do this when coming over the Internet, so confusing!
In gateway mode it knows nothing about the second ethernet card (wan side) so you need to disable one and route through the other to make it work. I always put them on the network edge and run MBG in server /gateway mode cos I am idle and it makes it easier.
what is the external address configured on the MBG nic? You may need custom settings especially if this is also a private address. I would read the documentation about how to set this up, because I don't think it is correct here.
After reviewing the documentation and some wiring diagrams, I changed the setup. I'm now in Gateway mode but the WAN is direct to the Internet, so no firewall in the way. It is now working although I have a strange audio issue. My iPad and iPhone are on the same network (Vodafone) using 4G, same iOS version, same App version. The iPad is working perfectly, but the iPhone audio whilst there, is crackled to the point you can't make anything out. Very bizarre, sadly I can't use the new MiCollab app from earlier this month as I don't have version 7 of MiCollab server yet, MCD needs updating first.
Local device issue, all sorted.

Thank you everyone that replied.

For those that read this in the future, putting the WAN NIC behind a corporate firewall on a private IP does not work, even with NAT. You need to have your WAN NIC connected to your Internet router as a public address, so for me it was:

MiCollab LAN > Internal Network Switch > Default Router > ICP Subnet > ICP
MiCollab WAN > Direct to Internet Router > Public Static IP address

Kind regards,
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