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Maybe if I turn it right side up? 2

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Jun 28, 2001
I wanted to add my two dollars worth. Bill Gates is a very smart person. I have very high regards for him. Back in the 70’s I had went to classes on digital systems in the U.S. Navy. I had always been a tinker from my early days (about five). I watched my grandfather work on a clock that didn’t have to be wound up and would give accurate time. The problem was the motor wouldn’t keep a constant speed. So he build one with a rotating centrifugal wheel with weights. I watched and was fascinated. They couldn’t get it to run at a constant speed even though it should in theory. I noticed they had put the wheel back wrong and tried to tell them it was in upside down. They wouldn’t listen. When they left I opened the cap and turned the wheel and put it back in right and put the cap back on. I then went and hid behind my grandmother in the house. She couldn’t get me to tell her what was wrong. My grandfather came in, excited the clock was working but was frustrated as to why it was working. He looked at me and saw I was smiling but wouldn’t talk to him. My grandmother knew I had done something and told me to show her what I had done. I did and grandfather always asked me after that if what he was working on looked right. My grandmother said my grandfather had done similar things as a child. I have heard her tell the story many times over the years.
My point is Microsoft has given the world something wonderful. Maybe not originally theirs, (Xerox), but they made it so the common person can use a computer due to their superior marketing. I am not a Microsoft Hater or Lover. I do like Windows. I have known many friends in Southern California that wrote wonderful programs and sold many programs until Microsoft came out with their (good enough) version. I have written some myself (for the C64) but only sold 5 copies (nothing to do with MS). The copies were copied and given to others. So I quit writing along with my friends and continued to help people with publicly known programs (Like EasyCalc, Dbase, Basic and Wordstar).
Microsoft should work on their operating system. Make it (almost) crash proof. Allow others to write programs for it and not come out with their (good enough) version just because someone else is making money. (Windows 3.1 wouldn’t work on DRDos because it was written not too! The articles about it have been mysteriously erased. ) Everything Microsoft is not something I want to see. When I see underwear with the Microsoft brand name I know they have gone too far! (No, I haven’t seen any yet).
They are doing better because of the Anti-trust case, but it shouldn’t have gotten that far. Just look at their sites. Very helpful indeed! But why is “Java” being shunned. Seems the quote “Microsoft! Resistance is futile!” I see on some sites is well earned. !. I can see where they are referred to as the “Borg”. Just ask IBM, Sun., and AOL. We need a second system to use when all the attacks have put MS programs out. Maybe BEOS, Linux , or CPM+ ;).
One other thing, I did notice that there never been a Microsoft Linux. Maybe if I turn it right side up?
to purchase your microsoft "windowed" underware
just kidding, as for myself i too like windows and have no problem with the company.

my objection is the lack of choice in the computer market. if you buy a new pc you get windows.
as it is i own permission to "use" over $500 worth of software on a $800 machine. by the way if i modify the system (to do some basic task more efficently i am in violation of my agreement)

so my machine would have cost $300 and lynux professional costs $80. and i can modify the operation system and most of the programs that came with it and repacage and resell or load it on my friend's computer to my harts content.

by the way there are several project in the works that allow windows programs to work on lynux machines. also you can run windows in a window on the lynux desktop.
is that upsidedown enough for you ???
"by the way there are several project in the works that allow windows programs to work on lynux machines. also you can run windows in a window on the lynux desktop."

yes there are such programs they have been around for years, AND there are programs that can run linux programs in Windows. However, you can never be sure that you will get it all to work untill is DOES work, even "professionals" will agree with that. also you usually have to know quite alot about the program you are trying to runn and the OS you are trying to now run it on. How many people who walk into circit city and buy a computer off the shelf are going to want to try that? granted there may be a couple(but they would already have been classified computer geeks by that time like myself), but not many. I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every moment of it.
Regardless of what arguments are exchanged as to the merits/demerits of MS vs opensource code and breaking up MS, there are still intellectual property rights and work and profit. Judges will usually choose the side of the owner of a property whether it be tangible(car, house, meat) or not (as in intellectual or a service). In the same way that you cannot force a hooker to have sex with you without paying, you cannot force MS or Oracle to free use of their SW because they created it from their own work. They deserve to get paid for a product in the same way you deserved to be paid for the work you do. What we have here that is brewing is human envy and greed similar to the hatred that spawned Sept 11! No one forces anyone to use MS or Oracle or Borland and no one forced the evil ones to do Sept 11. But those who do like it because of what the SW does. Kinda like the simple answer to the question of whether to divorce or not - the answer is "It is cheaper to keep her". If you have a beef with MS then use something not made by them or make your own.
JAXDBase: you hit it right on the head dude! lets start with an 80286 micro processor and right our extention to rom bios that will read the bios of other divices when they are connected including other processors. then we will write a cross platform, cross hardware browser that will view any file oh wait im talking about lynux never mind. the only problem is microsoft controls plug and play, well may microsoft will use unix protocalls to oh windows xp, well lets just ad a hard drive to the playstation, oh xbox,

do you supose microsoft doesnt want it's source code floating around because its already open source???
When they left I opened the cap and turned the wheel and put it back in right and put the cap back on...and grandfather always asked me after that if what he was working on looked right.

Almost sounds like when one gets lucky and answers a post just right for a desperate person in need. (And they of course give you a star.) :)

Best regards,
J. Paul Schmidt - Freelance ASP Web Developer
- Creating &quot;dynamic&quot; Web pages that read and write from databases...
Some people are luckly, some people know from education, some have instinct and know how to assemble and/or fix with any training or prior use. Then there is some that are just plain mean.
&quot;In the same way that you cannot force a hooker to have sex with you without paying, you cannot force MS or Oracle to free use of their SW because they created it from their own work. They deserve to get paid for a product in the same way you deserved to be paid for the work you do.&quot;

would you pay a hooker if she(/he :p) if they didnt do a good enough good as you asked? its the same with m$. they cant even do a proper job with they're software (security holes, crashes, etc) but you have to pay them hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and thats just for one home user!

no way, i would rather pay $0 for a linux system with free open source programs that do the job just as good (or even better) while remaining stable and secure that i can customize to my hearts content!

Breadcrust (aka J@red)

Web - E-mail - net-head@softhome.net
Linux Reg. Number - 307180 ([/tt]
&quot;would you pay a hooker if she(/he ) if they didnt do a good enough good as you asked&quot;

sorry i meant: would you pay a hooker if she(/he :-D) didnt do a good enough job as you asked?

Breadcrust (aka J@red)

Web - E-mail - net-head@softhome.net
Linux Reg. Number - 307180 ([/tt]

The trouble with that is the majority of PC's bundle an MS operating system with them, so even if the first thing you do is wipe the hard drive and install Linux or your other preferred non MS operating system, you still have either indirectly given MS some money for the license, or have the hassle of going about getting a refund.
Very few OEM's will sell computers without an operating system at all (ie supplied with a blank hard drive).

yeah, i hate that, when are computer manufactors going to properly recongise linux as a good desktop os???

i dont care that much through, i always build my own computers.

Breadcrust (aka J@red)

Web - E-mail - net-head@softhome.net
Linux Reg. Number - 307180 ([/tt]
As per my experience working for a computer assembly company (I won't say the name but they did drop the &quot;2000&quot; just prior to the new millennium), even if you purchased a computer without an OS you still gave MS money. We were (at least five years ago when I worked for the company) under contract with MS to pay per PC sold for their OS. This was standard regardless of weather or not the customer actually received the OS. If you ordered a PC without an OS there was a discount, but this was for the time in loading the OS on the hard drive, not for the OS itself. Now with the new antitrust litigation, they may have stopped this practice, but it went on for years while I worked for the company.

BAKEMAN [pimp]
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