I'm pretty new to reporting services but so far have managed to produce plenty of reports using it. However, I have come to a sticking point. I could create a stored procedure in SQL Server to hack together what I want but hopefully someone here can help so I don't have to go down that route.
The scenario. I currently work in a school. I have been asked to produce a report showing students targets and predictions per subject. Using a very simple select query I get my data out in the following format:
*The value column is how much a grade is worth - A = 5 points, B = 4 points etc
Using a matrix I have presented the information exactly as they want it by using column grouping on Subject then a group below that on Result Type finally presenting the Grade. So the matrix basically looks like.
All fine and dandy so far. Well now they want colour coding on the predicted grade background depending on the target. If the target grade is the same as predicted then the background would be light green, if it is better then dark green, one worse would be amber and anything else red.
I know how to form IIF statements for comparing values. But how do I go about doing this? I assume the easy way is comparing the Value columns but do I need to include this on the grid? If I put the IIF statement in the background color of the cell how do I reference the value from the target and prediction to carry out the comparison and display the necessary color.
I hpe that sounds clear! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I'm pretty new to reporting services but so far have managed to produce plenty of reports using it. However, I have come to a sticking point. I could create a stored procedure in SQL Server to hack together what I want but hopefully someone here can help so I don't have to go down that route.
The scenario. I currently work in a school. I have been asked to produce a report showing students targets and predictions per subject. Using a very simple select query I get my data out in the following format:
Name Subject Result Type Grade Value
Student1 EN Target A 5
Student1 EN Prediction A 5
Student1 IT Target B 4
Student1 IT Prediction A 5
Student2 EN Target C 3
Student2 EN Prediction B 4
Student2 IT Target B 4
Student2 IT Prediction B 4
*The value column is how much a grade is worth - A = 5 points, B = 4 points etc
Using a matrix I have presented the information exactly as they want it by using column grouping on Subject then a group below that on Result Type finally presenting the Grade. So the matrix basically looks like.
Student1 A A B A
Student2 C B B B
All fine and dandy so far. Well now they want colour coding on the predicted grade background depending on the target. If the target grade is the same as predicted then the background would be light green, if it is better then dark green, one worse would be amber and anything else red.
I know how to form IIF statements for comparing values. But how do I go about doing this? I assume the easy way is comparing the Value columns but do I need to include this on the grid? If I put the IIF statement in the background color of the cell how do I reference the value from the target and prediction to carry out the comparison and display the necessary color.
I hpe that sounds clear! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.