I had 2 Maxtor drives (not original) on HP Pavilion 7850, a 933MHz machine, a 60GB master and 80GB slave. The 60GB failed, and I replaced it with a WD 80GB. Bios sees both drives fine, and the new master C: drive works fine. Windows did not recognize the slave drive so I installed EZ-bios(from Maxtor - ver 1.00) on the WD 80GB. Still the slave drive comes up as non-DOS! I called Maxtor and they recommend re-installing EZ-bios on the slave drive, is there any way that can do harm? I am not positive that EZ-bios version 1.00 was the version I originally used on the Maxtor drives, but I think so. Also, Maxtor says that the failing C: drive may have corrupted the FAT on the slave. How could that happen? Most of my backups were on one drive to another, figuring both drives would never go at the same time. Fortunately, my most critical I backed up on CD. Thanks.