I'm using VS2008 with the current crop of AjaxToolkit tools.
On a textbox, I am attempting to use a MaskedEditExtender to show/get properly formatted datetime strings. I've set masktype to DateTime, mask to '99/99/9999 99:99', cultureName to en-US, and AcceptAMPM to True (full declaration below).
If I set the Text property of the textbox with a properly formatted DateTime string, it displays nicely (including AAM or PM).
If I click on the textbox, the AM/PM designator disappears. I can type A or P at the end of the time segment and AM or PM appears, but when I leave the textbox the AM/PM designator disappears again. The underlying text property is apparently correct as I can save the text and it is saved with AM/PM properly, but it is not displayed on postback.
Basically, it appears to be saving the datetime in proper format, but the AM/PM indicator is not consistant.
-- source below --
<cc1:MaskedEditExtender ID="TxtInitialDate_MaskedEditExtender" runat="server"
AcceptAMPM="True" Century="2000" ClearMaskOnLostFocus="False"
CultureAMPMPlaceholder="" CultureCurrencySymbolPlaceholder=""
CultureDateFormat="" CultureDatePlaceholder="" CultureDecimalPlaceholder=""
CultureThousandsPlaceholder="" CultureTimePlaceholder="" Enabled="True"
Mask="99/99/9999 99:99" MaskType="DateTime"
TargetControlID="TxtInitialDate" CultureName="en-US">
Bill Kuhn - MCSE
The Kuhn Group, Inc.
On a textbox, I am attempting to use a MaskedEditExtender to show/get properly formatted datetime strings. I've set masktype to DateTime, mask to '99/99/9999 99:99', cultureName to en-US, and AcceptAMPM to True (full declaration below).
If I set the Text property of the textbox with a properly formatted DateTime string, it displays nicely (including AAM or PM).
If I click on the textbox, the AM/PM designator disappears. I can type A or P at the end of the time segment and AM or PM appears, but when I leave the textbox the AM/PM designator disappears again. The underlying text property is apparently correct as I can save the text and it is saved with AM/PM properly, but it is not displayed on postback.
Basically, it appears to be saving the datetime in proper format, but the AM/PM indicator is not consistant.
-- source below --
<cc1:MaskedEditExtender ID="TxtInitialDate_MaskedEditExtender" runat="server"
AcceptAMPM="True" Century="2000" ClearMaskOnLostFocus="False"
CultureAMPMPlaceholder="" CultureCurrencySymbolPlaceholder=""
CultureDateFormat="" CultureDatePlaceholder="" CultureDecimalPlaceholder=""
CultureThousandsPlaceholder="" CultureTimePlaceholder="" Enabled="True"
Mask="99/99/9999 99:99" MaskType="DateTime"
TargetControlID="TxtInitialDate" CultureName="en-US">
Bill Kuhn - MCSE
The Kuhn Group, Inc.