Anyone out there that can tell me how to paint many-to-many relationships in an Access application form?
I've defined a link table so that there is a many-one-many relationship (as you do to get round the many-many).
What key fields do I paint? I'm assuming that I'll need sub-reports to do this.
This is a summary - I'll post more detail on request, but the many-many problem must have a standard solution.
Many thanks in advance. "Never argue with an idiot, he'll bring you down to his level - then beat you with experience."
Anyone out there that can tell me how to paint many-to-many relationships in an Access application form?
I've defined a link table so that there is a many-one-many relationship (as you do to get round the many-many).
What key fields do I paint? I'm assuming that I'll need sub-reports to do this.
This is a summary - I'll post more detail on request, but the many-many problem must have a standard solution.
Many thanks in advance. "Never argue with an idiot, he'll bring you down to his level - then beat you with experience."