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Manual Page Breaks Based On Groups Of Data

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Aug 5, 2008
So basically I have a report that is generated that is broken down into 4 or 5 headers. What I want is basically a way to manually add page breaks for 2 conditions:
*That no section starts at the end of one page and ends on the next; I want to just insert a page break before the section so it is all on the next page.
* That if the first section is more than a page long, that it inserts a new header saying 'section 1 continued..' basically.

I've been able to code it and it functions how I want. However, it takes about 20-30 seconds on a dual-core computer with 2gb of memory to insert these page breaks, so I thought I'd get some expert advice on where the slow-downs are and how I could go about tightening up the code to get it to run faster. (this subprocedure is #15 of 15 when generating the report, and the rest take between 2 and 5 seconds combined).
Sub Quote_Page_Breaks()
Dim financials_start_row As Integer, financials_start_page As Integer, financials_end_row As Integer, financials_end_page As Integer
Dim recommended_start_row As Integer, recommended_start_page As Integer, recommended_end_row As Integer, recommended_end_page As Integer
Dim standard_end_row As Integer, standard_end_page As Integer
Dim i As Integer, page_break() As Integer
Dim recommended As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
'get the row numbers of the start of each section
If Quote_CE_P_Cab Then standard_end_row = Sheets("Quotation").Range("Q_Options").Row - 1 Else standard_end_row = Sheets("Quotation").Range("Q_Base_Unit").Row - 1
financials_start_row = Sheets("Quotation").Range("Q_Financials").Row
If Quote_Options_Recommendations = True Then
    recommended_start_row = Sheets("Quotation").Range("Q_Recommended").Row
    financials_end_row = recommended_start_row - 2
    recommended_end_row = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).End(xlToLeft).End(xlUp).Row
    financials_end_row = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).End(xlToLeft).End(xlUp).Row
    recommended_start_row = 0
    recommended_end_row = 0
End If
'get the row numbers of each page break
ReDim page_break(1)
For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
     If Rows(i).PageBreak = xlManual Then
        ReDim Preserve page_break(UBound(page_break) + 1)
        page_break(UBound(page_break)) = i
     ElseIf Rows(i).PageBreak = xlAutomatic Then
        ReDim Preserve page_break(UBound(page_break) + 1)
        page_break(UBound(page_break)) = i
     End If
ReDim Preserve page_break(UBound(page_break) + 1)
page_break(UBound(page_break)) = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
'get the page numbers of each section
For i = 1 To UBound(page_break) - 1
    If (standard_end_row >= page_break(i) And standard_end_row < page_break(i + 1)) Then standard_end_page = i
    If (financials_start_row >= page_break(i) And financials_start_row < page_break(i + 1)) Then financials_start_page = i
    If (financials_end_row >= page_break(i) And financials_end_row < page_break(i + 1)) Then financials_end_page = i
    If Quote_Options_Recommendations = True Then
        If (recommended_start_row > page_break(i) And recommended_start_row < page_break(i + 1)) Then recommended_start_page = i
        If (recommended_end_row >= page_break(i) And recommended_end_row < page_break(i + 1)) Then recommended_end_page = i
    End If
If financials_start_page = 0 Then financials_start_page = UBound(page_break) - 1
If financials_end_page = 0 Then financials_end_page = UBound(page_break) - 1
If recommended_start_page = 0 Then recommended_start_page = UBound(page_break) - 1
If recommended_end_page = 0 Then recommended_end_page = UBound(page_break) - 1
'check the values and add page breaks if needed
If standard_end_page > 1 Then
    Sheets("Quotation").Rows(page_break(2) & ":" & page_break(2)).Insert shift:=xlDown
    Call Quote_Format_Border(Sheets("Quotation").Range("a1").Offset(page_break(2) - 1, 0).Address, "Standard Specifications continued...")
End If
If financials_start_page <> financials_end_page Then
   ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add Before:=Selection
End If
If Quote_Options_Recommendations = True Then
    If recommended_start_page <> recommended_end_page Then
        ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add Before:=Selection
    End If
End If
End Sub

The page is broken up into the following named sections:
*Q_Options (not always present)
*Q_Recommended (not always present)
These are all variable length depending on the data used to generate the report and the type of report generated (which is why 2 of them aren't always there).

That's all that I can think of. Let me know if I left out any explanations, and thanks a bunch for the help!

So what's the problem?

We have lots of tips for Excel and VBA, but I seriously doube that anyone will strain over some piece of code, especially without any supporting sample data, just to get you x fewer seconds of processing time to beat 30.

Have you inserted debug points to time your process?

You might check out the HPageBreaks collection: more efficient than looping thru rows.


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
The only problem is that it is slow. I have inserted debug points and it seems that most of the time is spent in the creating of the array with the page_break values. I'll try the HPageBreaks collection that you mentioned and let you know how it goes.
Well I think I got it working well enough. I replaced the page_break lookup gode with the following, and it works like a champ now:
'get the row numbers of each page break
Names.Add "HPBreaks", "=GET.DOCUMENT(64)", False
page_break = [HPBreaks] 'so using evaluate to fill a variant array
ReDim Preserve page_break(UBound(page_break) + 2)
For i = UBound(page_break) - 1 To 1 Step -1
    page_break(i + 1) = page_break(i)
page_break(1) = 0
page_break(UBound(page_break)) = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
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Part and Inventory Search

