How can I write a script to manage logs that is beinjg generated by some programs in my system.
I am on a Linux server, I have some grows that grows with every transaction and i have to leave this programs running hence the log size growth.i'd like to know how i can have a script that will backup the log - say test.log and then gzip and move it to another location.
eg. log name = /abc/test.log
backup log name = /abc/test070105.log
gzip-ed and moved to new location = /dce/test070105.log.gzip.
Please advise how can i go about doing this?
thank you.
How can I write a script to manage logs that is beinjg generated by some programs in my system.
I am on a Linux server, I have some grows that grows with every transaction and i have to leave this programs running hence the log size growth.i'd like to know how i can have a script that will backup the log - say test.log and then gzip and move it to another location.
eg. log name = /abc/test.log
backup log name = /abc/test070105.log
gzip-ed and moved to new location = /dce/test070105.log.gzip.
Please advise how can i go about doing this?
thank you.