I'm finally getting the hang of ASP! Well, sort of! I finally got my pages published using Drumbeat 2000. (I'm in the process of learning Dreamweaver UltraDev.) While I was doing my celebratory dance over my new pages, someone asked, "Have you tested the pages on Netscape?" The dancing stopped.<br><br>AGH! My initial page where keywords are entered works fine, as does the results page. The detail page (when a certain result is clicked on) displays the following message: <br><br>"HTTP Error 400<br><br>400 Bad Request<br><br>Due to malformed syntax, the request could not be understood by the server. The client should not repeat the request without modifications."<br><br>Lovely! I know someone, somewhere has run into this problem with Netscape before....or is it just me? hehe<br><br>Also, when viewing the same page in Internet Explorer, I've found that it does not display the details of just one search result, it displays several. I've made miscellaneous changes within Drumbeat that should have fixed it, and I have the feeling I have to start digging through the code to fix this one!<br><br>Thanks in advance for any help!<br><br>Waving a large white flag in surrender,<br>Dollie<br>