a snow ball pic sits upper left of bkground.
I created a mc of the snoww ball and tweened the action path of the falling snow.
but the snow won't fall over the whole screen.
This is the actionscripts:
Frame 1:
c = "1";
maxFlakes = "60";
// c is just a loop control
// maxflakes is the total number of snow at anyone time
Frame 2:
set ("xpos" add c, random(200));
set ("speed" add c, Number(random(4))+2);
duplicateMovieClip ("/flake0", "flake" add c, c);
setProperty ("flake" add c, _x, eval("xpos" add c));
size = Number(random(50))+25;
setProperty ("flake" add c, _xscale, size);
setProperty ("flake" add c, _yscale, size);
i = "1";
while (Number(i)<=Number(maxFlakes)) {
setProperty ("flake" add i, _y, getProperty("flake" add i,_y) + eval("speed" add i));
i = Number(i)+1;
Frame 3:
if (Number(c) == Number(maxflakes)) {
c = "1";
} else {
c = Number(c)+1;
gotoAndPlay (2);
I tried to increase the tweening length but it doesn't work does anyone have any ideas?
oldnewbie, i emailed you the fla - i hope thats cool!
I created a mc of the snoww ball and tweened the action path of the falling snow.
but the snow won't fall over the whole screen.
This is the actionscripts:
Frame 1:
c = "1";
maxFlakes = "60";
// c is just a loop control
// maxflakes is the total number of snow at anyone time
Frame 2:
set ("xpos" add c, random(200));
set ("speed" add c, Number(random(4))+2);
duplicateMovieClip ("/flake0", "flake" add c, c);
setProperty ("flake" add c, _x, eval("xpos" add c));
size = Number(random(50))+25;
setProperty ("flake" add c, _xscale, size);
setProperty ("flake" add c, _yscale, size);
i = "1";
while (Number(i)<=Number(maxFlakes)) {
setProperty ("flake" add i, _y, getProperty("flake" add i,_y) + eval("speed" add i));
i = Number(i)+1;
Frame 3:
if (Number(c) == Number(maxflakes)) {
c = "1";
} else {
c = Number(c)+1;
gotoAndPlay (2);
I tried to increase the tweening length but it doesn't work does anyone have any ideas?
oldnewbie, i emailed you the fla - i hope thats cool!