Please make me a tip: what do you mean "invokes"? For now i made a function Init with window argument, which must be called from the window manually.
It's pretty bad.
Is it possible to catch the window reference in the userobject itself?
I believe you understood me. Sorry for my poor english.
This is invoking (creating) the object. It could be in the open event of the window (or somewhere else if you want).
Then code this on the window:
iuo_whatever.iw_parent = THIS
This sets the 'link' between the window which created the uo and the uo. This assumes you have an instance variable on the uo of type 'window' called 'iw_parent'.
Now you can trigger events or call methods on the parent via a dynamic call. example: 'iw_window.event dynamic ue_myevent()'
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