I have a class, call it myClass and it consists of a number of properties and methods. I also have a collection that I am iterating through that contains a number of myClass objects.
private best as myClass 'this is used to hold the best value found
private myCollection as collection
private sub main()
dim temp as myClass
dim i as long
'There are a number of steps here that are not important but they lead to the initialization of myCollection with myClass objects
for i = 1 to 100
for each temp in myCollection
if temp.value < best.value then
set best = temp
end if
next temp
'Another sub here goes through and re-evaluates the collection
next i
'print out the properties of best here
end sub
The above example is simplistic but gets the point across. I know what is happening, each time the statement:
set best = temp
is executed, the best is pointed to the object that temp is pointed to. What I need to happen is that a new object is created (that is identical to the object pointed to by temp but in a different location in memory) and the memory location is stored in best.
I hope that I made myself clear. Any help would be greatly appreciated......
P.S. I am currently solving the problem by basiclly doing this:
set best = new myClass
best.value = temp.value 'and so on setting all the properties....
Troy Williams B.Eng.
private best as myClass 'this is used to hold the best value found
private myCollection as collection
private sub main()
dim temp as myClass
dim i as long
'There are a number of steps here that are not important but they lead to the initialization of myCollection with myClass objects
for i = 1 to 100
for each temp in myCollection
if temp.value < best.value then
set best = temp
end if
next temp
'Another sub here goes through and re-evaluates the collection
next i
'print out the properties of best here
end sub
The above example is simplistic but gets the point across. I know what is happening, each time the statement:
set best = temp
is executed, the best is pointed to the object that temp is pointed to. What I need to happen is that a new object is created (that is identical to the object pointed to by temp but in a different location in memory) and the memory location is stored in best.
I hope that I made myself clear. Any help would be greatly appreciated......
P.S. I am currently solving the problem by basiclly doing this:
set best = new myClass
best.value = temp.value 'and so on setting all the properties....
Troy Williams B.Eng.