Here is my code: using Front Page 2000 and VBScript.<br><br>I have an drop down Option box that has "Where did you hear about us" selections in it. I have "Other..." at the bottom of the list.<br>"Other" is coming up more that we would like. I would like them to add where the "Other" came from in the comments section. <br>Any Ideas in VBscript how to check the Dropdown selection after they click it and pick "Other" to pop up a Message and even put the cursor blinking in comments.<br><br>TIA<br><br></script><!--webbot BOT="GeneratedScript" endspan --><form action="thankyou.asp" method=get name="FrontPage_Form1"><br> <br> <p align="left"><img src="_borders/logo2000_tagline2.jpg" alt="Universal Labeling Systems, Inc."><br><br> <font size="2"><strong>Brochure Request Form. </strong></font><a href="index.html"><img src="_borders/return_home.gif" alt="Return to Universal Home Page" border="0"></a><font size="2"><strong><br><br> Please complete the following and receive a free brochure. <br> </strong></font></p><br> <br> <p align="left"> First Name <input type="text" name="Firstname" size="20"><br> Last Name <input type="text" name="LastName" size="20"><br><br> Company <input type="text" name="Company" size="32"><br> Title<input type="text" name="Title" size="20"><br><br> <br> Address <input type="text" name="Address" size="20"> City <input type="text" name="City" size="20"><br><br> State<input type="text" name="State" size="5"> Zip <input type="text" name="ZipCode" size="14"><br> Country <input type="text" name="Country" size="20"><br><br> Phone<input type="text" name="Phone" size="15"> FAX <input type="text" name="Fax" size="17"><br> E-mail <input type="text" name="Email" size="28"><br><br> How did you here about us? <!--webbot bot="Validation"<br> B-Disallow-First-Item="TRUE" --> <select size="1" name="HereAboutUS"><br> <option selected>Choose One...</option><br> <option>Food & Drug Magazine</option><br> <option>Packaging Digest Magazine</option><br> <option></option><br> <option>Packaging World Magazine</option><br> <option>Pack</option><br> <option>Thomas Register Catalog</option><br> <option></option><br> <option>Referral</option><br> <option>Other...</option><br> </select><br><br> <font face="Arial"><sup><sup><sup><sup><sup><sup><sup><sup><sup><sup> <font size="2">Comments:</font></sup></sup></sup></sup></sup></sup></sup></sup></sup></sup><font size="2"><br> </font></font><textarea rows="3" name="Comments" cols="56"> <p>DougP<br><a href=mailto:></a><br><a href= > </a><br> Ask me how Bar-codes can help you be more productive.