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Make Fileserver on Aloha Master Terminal, then IBER.EXE crashes

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Oct 7, 2007
First off thank you for all the great responses to the asked questions in the past, as I have been able to get this system up and running by reading previous posts....However, I am stuck.

Customer's ALOHABOH server stopped working 2 1/2 weeks ago, it was the processor fan gunked with dust etc. Cleaned the fan, explained the danger of an overheated processor and turned the machine back on, it worked. Explained how lucky "we" were the drive came up it gives us an opportunity to image the drive and save the data....Did I mention this place is in the boondocks.

This was the time the old "if it ain't broke don't fix it" attitude can be costly. He was going to call me Friday to image the drive, the machine crashed hard Thursday night and it wasn't coming back. He had just finished entering in credit card info and had clicked OK when the machine died

I imaged the drive to a back up disk then to another drive. I got the drive working 2 different ways. First, after failed recovery consol attempts I ran a repair install and since the drive was partitioned the Aloha stuff was safe.

Thats when I decided to try a different approach, re-imaged the drive to its original state and made recovery disks for the WIN 2K machine and low and behold it came back to life. The transactions that were in limbo were able to be sent.

I manually grinded the days up to yesterday. I want to see if it grinds tonite. When I fire up the Master Terminal it turns to the Make fileserver screen. I also notice the time in the lower right corner of the aloha screen it shows 12:00am. The machine(s) have the right time.

When I try the fileserver recovery nothing happens.

Thank you in advance for any help.

What does the debout say? Do you see a fileserver recovery attempt in the terminal's debout? You can try to delete the downtime.ini (if the trans.log is safe) and see if it finds the server. If it doesn't, I would start checking the usual suspects (ctlsvr, permissions, etc...)

Thanks for your help. I see the error of my ways. The Server is trying to take back Fileserver role and the terminal is wondering if it should make itself the fileserver. And the downtime.ini files. Funny story about those. Seems I got over zealous and deleted them earilier in the week before my second HD recovery. Of course I was leaving the site for the day when I saw you messege on my Blackberry I went back then realized the downtime.ini files were on my backup drive.

I can get them off the other image I made and load them back on the terminal(s). Would I be able to bring the Aloha down load downtime.ini, restart Aloha and then delete them? Would that work? If that was my issue. Ctlsvr seems to be running fine.

I know I am close. The downtime.ini file seem to be the missing link.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Thanks again.
make sure you did not loose your "bootdrv" share
check your login accounts.
can you browse folders from server to foh computer and vice versa.
downtime.ini should recreate itself
Yes I can browse to and from the terms to server and server to terms. The main term is WIN98...Stop laughing. So I tried to make number 2 (WIN2K as id BOH)to # 1 and the term still went to "make fileserver", I have tried magnetic cards and all the passwords/empoyee numbers and they all show invalid.

The card causes IBER.EXE to cause page fault.

Both DEBOUT's show each side is ready to do its thing...But neither takes the next step. I am heading out again in the a.m.

I am sure I did something out of step...

Just thought of this ?? When I open the Aloha Manager on the BOH the Aloha .gif is missing and it looks like an unloaded image in a web page.

Thanks again for your time.


I can help with the missing image file. Download the ZIP file attached and unzip it into the Aloha\HTML directory. This contains the HTML file and the Aloha image file.

Sorry, I can't help with the fileserver issue.
please confirm the terminal names are in correspondence with the numterm and termstr variables. Also confirm that you actually have read\write access, not just access to the server, and the other way around. Also confirm the server variable. It kind of sounds to me that it may be a variable issue. If not, delete the aloha folder off a terminal, shut the second terminal down and do a terminst. I usually find it easier to do a quick terminst (15 min.) than search for causes for hours.

Otherwise, just pm me the debouts, I'll have a look
Hey Guys Thanks.

I will verify read write both ways. And thanks for the term install idea. I will try the suggestions and if I am still having issues will post the debout's frm the server and terminal.

Thanks Again,

I am still stuck. I reinstalled the Terms and I still get the same...Nothing the Term wants it to be Make Server, I get invalid, when I use the magnetic card it crashes IBER.exe. What should the variables be set to? W2K server, 1 win 2kterm and the WIN98 term.

Here are some files I copied.

ERROR: VERIFY DATA v5.044: Jun 19, 15:33:46
ERROR: *** MUST Correct All Errors Before Running FOH ***
ERROR: Item 1189 () has no tax id.
ERROR: Modifier group 11310 (Marg\nSize) minimum is greater than maximum.

Jun 19, 15:39:04
Jun 19, 15:39:04 ................................................................
Jun 19, 15:39:04 IBER started (robust mode)... version 5.044d
Jun 19, 15:39:05 Begin initializing network...
Jun 19, 15:39:05 Initializing network...
Jun 19, 15:39:05 Node = 2 String = 'C'
Jun 19, 15:39:05 NBInit()-> Before NBAddName()-> StationName = "IBERC "
Jun 19, 15:39:08 NBInit()-> After NBAddName()-> StationNumber = 2
Jun 19, 15:39:08 NBInit()-> Before NBAddGroupName()-> SessionName = "IBERLINK"
Jun 19, 15:39:11 NBInit()-> After NBAddGroupName()-> SessionNumber = 3
Jun 19, 15:39:11 Station number 2, session 3
Jun 19, 15:39:11 Network initialization complete.
Jun 19, 15:39:11 Done initializing network.
Jun 19, 15:39:11 Determining Master And Fileserver
Jun 19, 15:39:11 Local DOB is 6/19/2008 in C:\Aloha\DATA\ALOHA.INI (06 19 2008)
Jun 19, 15:39:11 Local Terminal 2 asserts it is master since there are no others
Jun 19, 15:39:11 Create MultiSync flag 'C:\Aloha\DATA\MSYNC'
Jun 19, 15:39:11 Master terminal is 2. Now determining fileserver...
Jun 19, 15:39:42 Enable make fileserver 1
Jun 19, 15:39:42 EnableMakeFileserver: enabled 1 automake 0
14:42:16 ................................................................
Jun 19, 14:42:16 GRIND v5.044 started for 20080613...
Jun 19, 14:42:16 Database Versions and Generation are Current.
Jun 19, 14:42:16 [1176] Checking for D:\aloha\STR00001\HIDEGRIND
Jun 19, 14:42:16 [1176] Checking for D:\aloha\STR00001\SHOWGRIND
Jun 19, 14:42:16 [1176] Total Disk Space (bytes) = 1985056768 Free (bytes) = 3399245824
Jun 19, 14:42:16 [1176] Database Versions and Generation are Current.
Jun 19, 14:42:17 [1176] firing 07:00:00 SET MENU GROUP 15 to menu 2
Jun 19, 14:42:17 [1176] firing 07:00:00 SET SERVER MENU 1
Jun 19, 14:42:17 [1176] ConvertTransLog(): Analysing TRANS.LOG for conversion...
Jun 19, 14:42:17 [1176] Grind(): No log conversion required.
Jun 19, 14:42:17 grind: chg shift msg date is 6/11/2008 should be 6/13/2008?
Jun 19, 14:42:17 [1176] exception: grind: chg shift msg date is 6/11/2008 should be 6/13/2008?
Jun 19, 14:42:18 [1176] GRIND: took 1 secs to write, 1 secs total
Jun 19, 14:42:18 [1176] Creating Dated Subdirectory marker: D:\aloha\20080613\EODGRIND
Jun 19, 14:42:18 [1176] GRIND exiting...
Jun 19, 16:05:40
Jun 19, 16:05:40 ................................................................
Jun 19, 16:05:40 GRIND v5.044 started for 20080613...
Jun 19, 16:05:40 Database Versions and Generation are Current.
Jun 19, 16:05:40 [1328] Checking for D:\aloha\STR00001\HIDEGRIND
Jun 19, 16:05:40 [1328] Checking for D:\aloha\STR00001\SHOWGRIND
Jun 19, 16:05:40 [1328] Total Disk Space (bytes) = 1985056768 Free (bytes) = 3399217152
Jun 19, 16:05:40 [1328] Database Versions and Generation are Current.
Jun 19, 16:05:41 [1328] firing 07:00:00 SET MENU GROUP 15 to menu 2
Jun 19, 16:05:41 [1328] firing 07:00:00 SET SERVER MENU 1
Jun 19, 16:05:41 [1328] ConvertTransLog(): Analysing TRANS.LOG for conversion...
Jun 19, 16:05:41 [1328] Grind(): No log conversion required.
Jun 19, 16:05:41 grind: chg shift msg date is 6/11/2008 should be 6/13/2008?
Jun 19, 16:05:41 [1328] exception: grind: chg shift msg date is 6/11/2008 should be 6/13/2008?
Jun 19, 16:05:42 [1328] GRIND: took 1 secs to write, 1 secs total
Jun 19, 16:05:42 [1328] Creating Dated Subdirectory marker: D:\aloha\20080613\EODGRIND
Jun 19, 16:05:42 [1328] GRIND exiting...
Jun 19, 16:08:41
Jun 19, 16:08:41 ................................................................
Jun 19, 16:08:41 GRIND v5.044 started for 20080612...
Jun 19, 16:08:41 Database Versions and Generation are Current.
Jun 19, 16:08:41 [528] Checking for D:\aloha\STR00001\HIDEGRIND
Jun 19, 16:08:41 [528] Checking for D:\aloha\STR00001\SHOWGRIND
Jun 19, 16:08:41 [528] Total Disk Space (bytes) = 1985056768 Free (bytes) = 3399217152
Jun 19, 16:08:41 [528] Database Versions and Generation are Current.
Jun 19, 16:08:44 [528] firing 07:00:00 SET MENU GROUP 15 to menu 2
Jun 19, 16:08:44 [528] firing 07:00:00 SET SERVER MENU 1
Jun 19, 16:08:44 [528] ConvertTransLog(): Analysing TRANS.LOG for conversion...
Jun 19, 16:08:44 [528] Grind(): No log conversion required.
Jun 19, 16:08:44 grind: chg shift msg date is 6/11/2008 should be 6/12/2008?
Jun 19, 16:08:44 [528] exception: grind: chg shift msg date is 6/11/2008 should be 6/12/2008?
Jun 19, 16:08:45 [528] GRIND: took 1 secs to write, 1 secs total
Jun 19, 16:08:45 [528] Creating Dated Subdirectory marker: D:\aloha\20080612\EODGRIND
Jun 19, 16:08:45 [528] GRIND exiting...

I am headed back out to the site tonite. I can receive on my Blackberry if I go outside and away from the building.

Thanks Again

You can't swipe a mag card on the Make fileserver screen. You need to add the 2 numbers together that are on the right and left corners of the screen. This new 3-digit number will make the foh into a fileserver
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