In another forum there was a discussion about the IRS losing the e-mail messages. A person inquired about how to permanently delete a file. I was once told by a law enforcement agent that overwriting a file would prevent it from being recovered. I now know that is not correct and yet it is correct. One of those people that every forum seems to have jumped on me just flamed me for being so stupid. Stupid no, ignorant perhaps. When I encounter people like him I start doing research so that I will have some ammunition when I respond to him. If you are an expert on hard drive data obscuration or file storage then I would appreciate a Yes, No or answer below. For bonus points add something if it is pertinent. Thank you very much. Ron
Delete and overwrite do not obscure the original data. Yes / No
Repeatedly overwriting of the file with equal number of bytes will eventually overwrite of the original file memory address. Yes / No
I have a program that I wrote that when given a folder it will read (find search string) every file in that folder and it's sub folders. I could quite easily change read to overwrite in a loop with a variable for a counting loops. Any reason that would not work? If so then please explain why.
If a drive is inserted in a hot slot then it is a mere storage drive and therefore should not fight back when overwriting files. Yes / No
I have never worked with a computer that had multiple users. With the drive as a storage device will I be able to obscure all data on the drive? Yes / No
In another forum there was a discussion about the IRS losing the e-mail messages. A person inquired about how to permanently delete a file. I was once told by a law enforcement agent that overwriting a file would prevent it from being recovered. I now know that is not correct and yet it is correct. One of those people that every forum seems to have jumped on me just flamed me for being so stupid. Stupid no, ignorant perhaps. When I encounter people like him I start doing research so that I will have some ammunition when I respond to him. If you are an expert on hard drive data obscuration or file storage then I would appreciate a Yes, No or answer below. For bonus points add something if it is pertinent. Thank you very much. Ron
Delete and overwrite do not obscure the original data. Yes / No
Repeatedly overwriting of the file with equal number of bytes will eventually overwrite of the original file memory address. Yes / No
I have a program that I wrote that when given a folder it will read (find search string) every file in that folder and it's sub folders. I could quite easily change read to overwrite in a loop with a variable for a counting loops. Any reason that would not work? If so then please explain why.
If a drive is inserted in a hot slot then it is a mere storage drive and therefore should not fight back when overwriting files. Yes / No
I have never worked with a computer that had multiple users. With the drive as a storage device will I be able to obscure all data on the drive? Yes / No