Our company uses a Definity/Audix phone system that is 20+ years old. While I am able to perform basic software changes, but I would appreciate any ideas on how to do the following:
When customers call our main phone number (ending in 3500) during business hours and our receptionist is working away from her desk, our system was programmed a long time ago to make two other phones (with separate extensions) in an adjacent workroom beep if the call went unanswered after a couple of rings. This alerts her to the call. I’d like to review and potentially change the setup of this routing in the software to include more extensions, but I don’t know the command to view the settings. Thanks for any help!
When customers call our main phone number (ending in 3500) during business hours and our receptionist is working away from her desk, our system was programmed a long time ago to make two other phones (with separate extensions) in an adjacent workroom beep if the call went unanswered after a couple of rings. This alerts her to the call. I’d like to review and potentially change the setup of this routing in the software to include more extensions, but I don’t know the command to view the settings. Thanks for any help!