I am trying to send mail from my UNIX server to a SMTP server on the WAN. I had it set up so that it was sending through my Exchange Server on the LAN. I was having a mail relay problem on the Exchange Server and had to restrict mail relay, I tried to put the LAN IP address of the UNIX server in the exceptions list of Exchange but that would not work. I just want to use the SMTP server of my ISP but it will not work. I checked the fire wall and there is no rule stopping traffic from the LAN to the WAN, but I can not ping the WAN from the UNIX server. I can ping the UNIX server from anywhere on the LAN and I can ping the UNIX server from it self but I can not ping any other IP address' with in the LAN or on the WAN. I can send mail through the Exchange server but I can not ping it from the UNIX server. PLEASE HELP!