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Mail Merge 2

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Apr 28, 2009
Thanks to help from here, I have a Mail Merge from Access that works fairly well, but I'd like to refine it even further.

Right now I have a contract in MS Word that needs to get data from Access. It needs to merge signature lines (or signature blocks or even half pages of text) for 3 different categories of signers. Insureds, Owners and Beneficiaries. Unfortunately, there could be different numbers of each category. For example, there could be 1 insured, 2 owners and 4 beneficiaries. For this reason, I'm having issues with 1 big query pulling all the data (you can imagine the results I get).

How can I mail merge one document, but have different sections repeat different amounts of times? If I keep it to 2 owners for example, I can just put an IF statement in the Word doc, ie. IF Owner2 is not null then...and have it repeat the whole signature block. I need it to not be hard coded to only 2 as that number can change depending on the case. Also, if the information must come from multiple queries, how do I merge those all into 1 document?

loops thru each bookmark...
dim bk as bookmark

for each bk in thisdocument.bookmarks
  msgbox bk.name
  msgbox bk.start
  msgbox bk.end


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
Maybe I'm being dense, but I'm just not getting it.

I've got a big bookmark "SellerSig" that is about 1/2 a page long and contains another bookmark "SellerName". What I want to do is loop through my recordset and for each instance of Owner_Name, create a new "SellerSig" bookmark inserting the correct Owner_Name at the "SellerName" bookmark. Here's what I've got
With rst
    Do While Not rst.EOF
    sOwner = rst.Fields(Trim("Owner_Name"))
            With objWord.Selection
            .GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="SellerName"
            .TypeText Text:=sOwner
            End With
    End With
This inserts each Owner_Name consecutively in the "SellerName" bookmark and does not repeat the big "SellerSig" bookmark (which I need)

When I change it to:
For Each bkSellSig In objDoc.Bookmarks
With rst
    Do While Not rst.EOF
    sOwner = rst.Fields(Trim("Owner_Name"))
             With objWord.Selection
            .GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="SellerName"
            .TypeText Text:=sOwner
            End With
    End With
It gives me each Owner_Name (there are 2) repeated 2x at the one "SellerName" bookmark location....

well you NEVER REFERENCE the object!!!!

Something like...
                .GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=[b]bkSellSig.Name[/b]


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
I'm sorry, I'm still stuck. I can't figure out how to make it repeat the "sellersig" bookmark (and maybe it's because I know you can't have multiples of the same bookmark in Word?)

Thanks for all your help, but I'm about to give up.
OK, getting much much closer. I've moved the big bookmark "SellerSig" that's 1/2 a page long to another document. Now it repeats the Bookmark "SellerSig" the correct number of times, but the data it inserts into the smaller bookmark "SellerName" isn't right.

What I want to see is "SellerSig"1 containing "SellerName"1, then "SellerSig"2 containing "SellerName"2

Here's my code:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

Private Sub ClosingContracts_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim strDocName1 As String
strDocName1 = "S:\document preparation\Compliance 2010\Testing\12v2.dot"
Call OpenMergedDoc1(strDocName1)

Exit Sub

    MsgBox "Error #" & Err.Number & " occurred. " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub OpenMergedDoc1(strDocName1 As String)
'On Error GoTo WordError
    Dim sOwner As String
    Dim objWord As New Word.Application
    objWord.Visible = True
    Dim BkSource As Word.Document
    Dim MainObjDoc As Word.Document
    Set MainObjDoc = objWord.Documents.Add(strDocName1)
    Dim strTble As String
    strTble = "TblTesting"
    Set dbs = CurrentDb
    'Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strTble, dbOpenTable)
    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM " & strTble & " WHERE Owner_Name IS NOT NULL")
    Dim SellSigInsertAfter As Range
    With rst
        Do While Not rst.EOF
        'sOwner = rst.Fields("Owner_Name")
        Set BkSource = Documents.Open("S:\\document preparation\\compliance 2010\\testing\\seller.dot")
        Set SellSigInsertAfter = MainObjDoc.Bookmarks("SellSigBlock").Range
        SellSigInsertAfter.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
    End With
Exit Sub

        MsgBox "Err #" & Err.Number & "  occurred." & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Word Error"
        objWord.Application.Documents.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
End Sub

When this runs, I see the following repeated in each "SellerSig"
sOwnersOwnerGross Irrevocable Trust Agreement dated 02/06/1995 Oliver Family Trust Agreement dated 09/03/1997 sOwner

What I think I should see is Gross Irrevocable Trust.... in the 1st iteration and Oliver Family Trust.... in the second iteration.
Ignore my post above, I figured out that stuff had gotten written into my source document and saved at some point.

New Problem - Now it doesn't place anything in the "SellerName" bookmark

But - it's not trimming the Owner_Name like it should.
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