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Mail delivery problems to valid email addresses

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Apr 23, 2003
Hello All,

I'm a newbie here with SBS2003. My marketing guy is having problems sending emails to certain clients; he gets "undeliverable" errors. Here are some of them:
From: System Administrator
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 10:20 AM
To: Michael Burton
Subject: Undeliverable: RE: friday
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: RE: friday
Sent: 11/25/2003 10:19 AM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
Michael Burton on 11/25/2003 10:20 AM
There was a SMTP communication problem with the
recipient's email server. Please contact your system administrator.

<sofmail.com #5.5.0 smtp;550 Invalid domain sofmail.com>
From: System Administrator
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 12:42 PM
To: scornette@a...
Subject: Undeliverable: Documentum Select Services
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: Documentum Select Services
Sent: 11/24/2003 12:08 PM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
scornette@a... on 11/24/2003 12:41 PM
The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this
message was sent to. Check the e-mail address, or contact the
recipient directly to find out the correct address.

<APUSEXCH.amunet.edu #5.1.1>
From: System Administrator
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 12:33 PM
To: efraim.burgos@b...
Subject: Undeliverable: Documentum
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: Documentum
Sent: 11/24/2003 12:33 PM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
efraim.burgos@b... on 11/24/2003 12:33 PM
There was a SMTP communication problem with the
recipient's email server. Please contact your system administrator.

<sofmail.com #5.5.0 smtp;550 No such address>
From: System Administrator
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 10:23 AM
To: kennethwslamp@e...
Subject: Undeliverable: Documentum Select Services
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: Documentum Select Services
Sent: 12/4/2003 10:23 AM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
kennethwslamp@e... on 12/4/2003 10:23 AM
You do not have permission to send to this recipient.
For assistance, contact your system administrator.
<sofmail.com #5.7.1 smtp;550 5.7.1
<kennethwslamp@e...>... Relaying denied>
Now, the first email states that our domain, sofmail.com, is invalid which is incorrect. I've done the DNS reports to verify it. Yet, their mail server rejected the email. Why?

For the others, these are all valid emails and my marketing guy has sent them emails in teh past using other mail servers. It's when we use the Exchange2003 server with the sofmail.com domain that we get errors. I have not found any commonality in these errors.

Can anyone PLEASE shed some light on what may be causing these failures or where to look for clues? I know what the email says but I don't have much confidence in these explainations. I'm desperate for answers.

Thanks in advance!

Troy Hilton
Can you send to anyone correctly?? Is your exchange server directly sending the e-mail or are you using 3rd party SMTP gateways? If you are sending directly from exchange you might need to install the correct connectors to talk to foreign messaging systems such as ms mail or x.400 systems.
I am able to send mail to many people. I just have some customers that reject us. For example, I got another &quot;undeliverable&quot; email on Saturday:
From: System Administrator
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 9:14 PM
To: RobertTPrice@sprintmail.com
Subject: Undeliverable: RE: Leaseback for CR22

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: RE: Leaseback for CR22
Sent: 12/6/2003 9:14 PM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

RobertTPrice@sprintmail.com on 12/6/2003 9:14 PM
There was a SMTP communication problem with the recipient's email server. Please contact your system administrator.

<sofmail.com #5.5.0 smtp;550-EarthLink does not recognize your computer ( as connecting from an EarthLink connection. If this is in error, please contact technical support.>
I have double-checked our domain, sofmail.com, and it is setup correctly. The only record I'm missing is an A record for which isn't necessary as I'm only running email with this domain. If I do need to create a connector, which one?

I'm having the same problem when sending to @tampabay.rr.com and sometimes to @aol.com

If anyone know's why I would also value this information.


If you see a programmer in the office before 9am, they probably never left.
This problem is normally associated with DNS Lookups on the client systems.

So for example your problems relating to sending to Michael Burton from 'sofmail.com'; usually means DNS either hasnt propagated entirely yet, or they're DNS server hasnt received any valid domain updates. (port 53 TCP/UDP most likely closed).

Thats just a start, DNS is a big thing with mail servers,
and thats just one of the symptoms of what you exhibited.

Let me know if you have other questions,

Jason Burton
Starloop International
Yes Jason, I did have a missing record in DNS, which I hyave since fixed. However, I still have other issues more similar to the other emails I posted. This only seems to occur with mail sent from out Exchange server. Our regular POP3 server works just fine.

A collegue of mine found an article that pertains to what we're seeing. We think that the problem is really on the recipient's side, not ours. (of course...it's never my fault)

Yes, it does appear in your other emails that its the third parties problem. (either misspelled emails, wrong email setups and such.)

The relaying denied message can usually be resolved when the user 'AUTH's' your SMTP server if theyre trying to send remotely.

To do this if their using Outlook 2k/xp etc.. In their mail account setup, make sure they login using same login info as their pop3, before they send. (that ensures no-spam and a method of tracking email sent)

That should fix the problems with relaying denied.

Jason Burton
Starloop International
(big email guy)
Also reading an email from one of your posts, about the &quot;<sofmail.com #5.5.0 smtp;550-EarthLink does not recognize your computer ( as connecting from an EarthLink connection. If this is in error, please contact technical support.>
This error is usually resolved by creating a connector for that ISP. If your SMTP is on that provider; just make a general SMTP connector, if you have problems or need assistance creating the connector, I have step-by-step thing I could send you if ya need help with it.

Let me know!

Jason Burton
Starloop International
Hey Jason,

My provider is MCI not Earthlink. Just seems a might strange that I would have to setup an SMTP connector to send email to an earthlink account. Also, I'll double-check the SMTP authentication and make sure that's OK.

Was that earthlink.com message sent from someone else? Or quite possibly someone from earthlink.

If they were based on the earthlink.com ISP trying to contact your SMTP server, thats a usual problem.

ISP's have since been trying to limit SMTP servers their customers are able to use, and hence the SMTP connector would have to be created if your on an ISP that your ISP limits SMTP traffic.

I think its a wonderful idea that the ISP is doing things like that, however it does cause some headaches in trying to make sure customers can access your SMTP server.

Jason Burton
Starloop International
(im confident with my spam fighting solution)
Oh I just re-read that email that was rejected, it appears that 'RobertTPrice' might be on earthlink as his ISP, and will need to change his outbound SMTP servers in his mail client to earthlink's.

Thats just something ISP's have been trying to limit.

Hope this helps!

Jason Burton
Starloop International
(im confident with my spam fighting solution)
I had the same error from earthlink (see below)

There was a SMTP communication problem with the recipient's email server. Please contact your system administrator.
<myserver.com #5.5.0 smtp;550-EarthLink does not recognize your computer (x.x.x.x) as connecting from an EarthLink connection. If this is in error, please contact technical support.>

To resolve I turned off EDNS on my newly upgraded 2003 DNS servers. MS KB article 832223 explains, to to turn off this feature as a lot of major ISPs do not support EDNS issue the following command on your windows 2003 DNS server Ran command &quot;dnscmd /config /enableednsprobes 0&quot; without quotes.

Very interesting, sounds like you might want to contact Earthlink. I dont know of any other providers out there that 'deny' or have this issue. You may wish to possibly visit and check for other internet provider forum discussions, and post the problem there.. It may be a common thing for some isp's however; I have not since noticed this with most common isp's.


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