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Mad Mouse Disease.

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Technical User
Jun 12, 2001
OS Windows 98 se, CPU Athlon Thunderbird 1066 MHz, Motherboard Gigabyte GA-7VA, Chipset VIA VT8366(A)/8367 Apollo KT266(A)/KT333, System Memory 256 MB.

My PC seems to have caught mad mouse disease, after using the PC for a few minutes moving the mouse seems to cause random events, these include windows poping to the front, applications that were not running suddnly excecuting, menus poping up at random, and all this happening at a fast and furious pace.

It seems like random cursor movements are being generated, also random right and left clicks, it seems to be a software problem as changing the mouse does not help.

Does anyone know what may be causing this, are the any sugestions for troubleshooting this problem.

Firstly, i'd do a check for virii and spyware.

Hope this helps


[lightsaber] May The Force Be With You [trooper] [yoda]
what kind of mouse are you using?
usb? serial? ps/2?
buy the sounds of things, i am going to venture a guess and say you are using a ps/2 mouse and that since the mouse was changed (i am assuming with the same type, another ps/2) that you have issues with the ps/2 port. i had a rig do something simmilar once. switched to a usb mouse and it elliminated the problem. hope that helped...

knoweldge is power, spread the power
That stinks of someone else remotely controlling the PC, thru open ports (file and print sharing) and Spyware/Virus/Worms/Trojans/Bots being on your PC....

Alot of Good General info here;
Run an Up to date Virus Scanner;
AVG(free) Get Adaware from Get SpyBot S & D, HijackThis! and CWS(CoolWebShredder)
d/l links at bottom of link page
Go here and read the "Hijack removal" section
and run "HijackThis!"
read the page on how to use at

Go to Gibson research and check your Open Ports with ShieldsUp! for Hackers, Scanners, Remote Controllers
Start here;

Prompt for signed ActiveX Controls in Internet options>Security Tab> InternetZone Custom
Read and Implement the "Setting the Internet Zone" section
and look into the other Resticted Sites options


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
Thanks for the replies.

The mouse is ps2, I have run PC-Cillin with latest pattern and AddAware and , I haven't detected any viri or spyware, I also have the ZoneAlarm firewall running. The problem also happens off-line so it is not someone else remotely controlling the PC, though I suspected that at first.

I have also cleared the directories 'Downloaded Program Files', 'Temporary Internet Files', 'TEMP'.

I will try running in safe mode and see if it still happens.
I posted the wrong link for this
Prompt for signed ActiveX Controls in Internet options>Security Tab> InternetZone Custom
Read and Implement the "Setting the Internet Zone" section
and look into the other Resticted Sites options

This "IS" the Correct Link


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
Doh [surprise] Duh Duh;
I forgot to close the italics where i wanted to...

Anyway the only thing about the mouse software is maybe you're loading wrong versions, and maybe the Interrupts assigned to mouse and the COM ports are conflicting.. 1 and 3, 2 and 4 ....I think Modem and Mouse try to default to the same COM port....Yet it still sounds like real funky behavior for it not to be Viral and/or Trojan/Worm trying to reach out to Web Dialer

Check the BIOS for Com port assignments also


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
The problem does not seem to occur in safe mode, or under Win2k (which I have on a seperate partition).

This strongly sugests that the problem is not hardware related.

I am still at a loss for how to troubleshoot this problem.

The system has been running for about a year with no major problems untill this.
However you installed the Original driver (Under Win98 or Win2k) boot into the opposite OS and install again the "Same" driver into the "Same" directory.

And Adaware won't detect SpyWare and KeyStroke Loggers like SpyBot S&D will(see above for link)....also make sure you've updated ADaware recently, they went a long time without updating the def.'s.

Plus Media (Burned CD and/or Floppy) can easily infect you're machine

Look in ControlPanel > Accessibility Options to see if you have HotKeys etc and Other Serial Devices enabled.


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
I'm going to take a stab at this and ask, are you using the standard mouse driver or one that came with the mouse? (If the mouse was purchased separately from the computer, that is).
TechTippy or another poster can confirm or clarify this for me, but in SafeMode, windows may load up the standard mouse.com or mouse driver, whereas in Normal mode, your usual driver is loaded.
No where in these posts, have I seen "Have you checked with your mouse's vendor for updated Windows 98 Drivers?"

I'm venturing all of these, based on this. You said it works in safe mode, but not in Normal Mode. You said it works on Windows 2K normally. This suggests to me that either, you downloaded an updated driver for Windows 2K, or the mouse driver for Windows 2K isn't corrupt.
I would imagine, if it was an IRQ conflict, that it would carry over to safe mode and Windows 2K (unless Windows 2K does a better job of assigning COM ports than 98).

If it proves to be the driver, some things to remember.. Windows 2K drivers are not compatible with 98 and vice versa. They're two different 'families'. The NT line is compatible with the NT line, and the 9x line is compatible with the 9x line.

Hope all of this helps you.
To the best of my memory these are standard mouse drivers that came with Win98, the phisical mouse is a Microsoft PS2 mouse. Devic Manager identifies the drivers as VMM32.VXD, MSMOUSE.VXD, MOUSE.DRV.


mouse.drv=Standard mouse

mouse=*vmouse, msmouse.vxd

you may have possible corruption
also Start>Run MSCONFIG
untick any lines referring to mouse in Config.sys and Autoexec.bat

Check mouse/modem Com sharing

In device manager, should be
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VMM32.VXD (vmouse.vxd)

If all else fails; Try changing the IRQ (12) in Resources


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.

Was this ever resolved?
I am a Support analyst and we have had this problem Dell GX1 and GX110's all standard Dell equipment with standard builds and this Mad Mouse problem picks on some one we can change the mouse, keyboard, reinstall profiles and the OS but the problem is still there till it seems to get bored and moves to some one else.
We have run all kinds of spyware we have Norton corporate updated daily Dell cant help.
I think the office is built on an Graveyard but their must be a logical explanation.

I have the same problem and can't find the solution, and this is the only topic about it I have found (the problem seems to be rare).
10 months ago, a friend of mine, who had just bought the laptop had the problem with the mouse. The pointer would after some time start straying aside, to the right, with constant speed, so that you had to move the mouse to the left to balance the position. The same would happen if I changed the mouse. There was no internet conection at that time. Because the Comp. was relatively new and she didn't have important files on it, she agreed to format and reinstall. I installed clean windows 2000 professional, (it was windows ME before), and everything was fine.. A few days ago she called me saying she had problems with laptop again, and when I went to see, among the other problems (popups and freezings), there was again the same thing with the mouse happening, exactly like Tophat described it.
I would appreciate if someone could help, or if Tophat found the solution to post it!
Many thanks
i had a very similuar problem last year. after much diagnosing what i found was in the mouse folder in "my computer" the settings had changed to open folders automaticaly and the mouse spped had changed to real fast. i restored the setting to double click and a mouse spped i was comfortable with, and that solved my problems.
I had the exact same problem with my ps2 mouse.

When im doing anything, and there would be about 20 seconds of random clicking and movement. These random clicking and movement cause programs to be launched.

I think i have solved it!!!

All i did is go to the mouse properties, then to hardware and properties on the driver. Then I just uninstall the driver (it was the generic windows XP assigned mouse driver.). Then it told me to restart and I did. When it restarts XP says theres a new hardware found and installs the drivers and u restart again and the problem is gone.

I think the driver was curropt or something.

I think u should do a virus scan, spybot cheack and adaware cheack also if this dosn't work.
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