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Macro OpenWithBasicSignon

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Jun 12, 2002
Has anyone used the OpenWithBasicSignon Method to access a namespace on an LAE?

OpenWithBasicSignon Method - Opens an existing namespace on a directory server or local authentication export file by using a basic signon.

AuthenticatorDocuments.OpenWithBasicSignon Namespace, Signon, [Password],

Here's a sample of my code:
Sub Main()
Dim objAuthApp as Object
Dim objAuthDoc as Object
Dim objLAEConfig as Object
Dim sLAEPath as String
Dim objUserClass() as Object 'Object array for Access Manager UserClasses
'In Use: used for directly writing to the LAE file in sLAEPath.
'Script is the namespace
sLAEPath = "E:\Cognos\cer3\bin\Backup\Default.lae"
Set objAuthApp = CreateObject("Authenticator2.Application")
Set objLAEConfig = objAuthApp.LAEConfigurations.Add(sLAEPath)
Set objAuthDoc = objAuthApp.Documents.OpenWithBasicSignon ("Script", "administrator", "password", 0)

'Not In Use: used for directly writing to the Directory Server.
'Set objAuthApp = CreateObject("Authenticator2.Application")
'Set objAuthDoc = objAuthApp.Documents.OpenWithBasicSignon ("Default", "administrator", "password", 0

'ReDim's objUserClass arrays to number of UserClasses
ReDim objUserClass(6) as Object
Set objUserClass(0) = objAuthDoc.RootUserClass

Set objAuthDoc = Nothing
Set objAuthApp = Nothing
Set objLAEConfig = Nothing

End Sub

I don't think I am accessing the namespace in the LAE correctly because the following code fails:
Set objUserClass(0) = objAuthDoc.RootUserClass
(If you use the commented-out "not in use" code to access the directory server, the line above works!)

Thanks for reading this...
Do you have a namespace in your Access Manager named "Script". If not, objAuthDoc will be assigned a value of "Nothing" and therefor attempts to reference this object will fail.
I do. And it does assign it a value of Nothing when I run the script. Thanks for the reply. I didn;t think anyone was reading it...

So, I found the way to do it. Someone gave me the tip of settting the default Directory Source (which I didn't think was a great workaround).

Here's a snipet of the code if you're interested:

Set objAuthApp = CreateObject("Authenticator2.Application")
Set objLAEConfig = objAuthApp.LAEConfigurations.Add(sLAEPath)
Set objDSConfig = objAuthApp.DSConfigurations.Add(DSHostName,DSPort,DSBaseDN,DSTimeout)

'This line determines which is the default. The default must be toggled if you want to work on both DS and LAE.
objDSConfig.DefaultSecuritySource = True
'objLAEConfig.DefaultSecuritySource = True

Set objAuthDoc = objAuthApp.Documents.OpenWithBasicSignon ("Test", "administrator", "password", 0)

The following are variables:
Dim DSHostName as String
Dim DSPort as Integer
Dim DSBaseDN as String
Dim DSTimeout as Integer

Hope that helps anyone else out there... and thanks again for the response.
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