It is an "int" format in SQL. It is the po histroy date field in macola. I tried timevalue(timefield) and it came up with the same time acroos the board?? I think I can just use the max function without converting this field to pick the most recent record in PO history header.
I did the following 4 formula's in crystal though they probably could be combined
if len(ToText({IMINVTRX_SQL.trx_tm},0,"","") = 6 then
tonumber(left(ToText({IMINVTRX_SQL.trx_tm},0,"","",2)) else
if len(ToText({IMINVTRX_SQL.trx_tm},0,"","") = 6 then
tonumber(mid(ToText({IMINVTRX_SQL.trx_tm},0,"","",3,2)) else
if len(ToText({IMINVTRX_SQL.trx_tm},0,"","") = 6 then
tonumber(mid(ToText({IMINVTRX_SQL.trx_tm},0,"","",5,2)) else
Selecting the Max(Hst)Tm) field (by itself) will not return the last record written to the table since a record may have been written later in the day on an earlier day!
To select the last record written today or the last record for a specific PO, you could select Max(Hst_Tm) Where Hst_Dt = <Today> or Where Ord_No = <My PO No>, etc.
Another reliable way to select the last record in a table is to selct the Max(A4GLIdentity) column. This is an ID column that will always be incremented by SQL.
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