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Nov 9, 2010
I am new to Macola. I was asked to build a new appserver, and move everything from the old to the new. I was hoping it was as simple as installing PSQL on the server, installing Macola 7.6.200 from client, setting up client, and copyinh data from the old server. Not so it seems. Anyone gone through this kind of transition who can guide me?

Here is our setup-

Installed on APPSERVER:
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition Service Pack 2
Microsoft® .NET Framework Version 4.0.40305
Microsoft SQL Server Version 9.00.4035.00
Pervasive.SQL 9.50 Version
Starship 10.1 - V-Technologies, LLC – Server Manager

Installed on CLIENT:
Windows XP Pro SP3
Microsoft® .NET Framework Version 4.0.40305
Pervasive.SQL 9.50 Version
StarShip 10 Client Version
Macola Progression 7.6.200

Our appserver is about to die. I know we are using outdated software, but this is a temp setup while we build our all-in-one DBA server.

Anyway, I was able to get progression up, I copied the Macola76 folder from the old server and it seemed to work, I can login with supervisor and user into the main company(001). I imported some custom tabs, but when I click on say... Print Acknowledgement, I get error:


The COBOL run-time message occurred:
Application : F:\Macola76\VBMacExe.exe(PID=00000FF8)
Exception Number : JMP0015I-U [PID:00000FF8 TID:00000B14] CANNOT CALL PROGRAM 'OEACKSCN'. CODE=0x7e PGM=VBMACEXE ADR=00405119
Generation Time : 11/09/2010(11:46:18)
Generation Module : F:\Macola76\VBMacExe.exe
Time Stamp : 03/14/2003(17:07:06)
File Size : 335872bytes

I get similar errors with each command. There are probably some files i need from elswhere, if anyone knows.

I read here on TT, it may be unregistered fonts?? If I am missing anything, let me know. Time is not on my side. Thanks alot.
You have to install Macola on the server. Copying the Macola76 folder is insufficient as there are lots of files that get copied to the c:\windows folder, registry entries, etc. that all occur during the install.

Then install the Macola client.

Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Macola, Synergy, and Crystal Reports. Check out our Macola tools:
Hey great, got it pluggin away! I had to recreate all the users from supervisor acct. Although I get a small error during login (someting about object being open), it functions. Thank you dgillz!

My next step is to point our 3 existing macola client workstations to this new server, preserving all custom setting. I assume I need to reinstall the client using 'f:\macola76\install' thru the workstation.

Few questions:
1. Must I UNINSTALL the client, or can I just REPAIR (install over top)?
2. Will uninstalling/reinstalling preserve custom user settings? (ie. tabs, print settings.)

Thanks for your insight!
I cannot answer this for Pervasive as it has been too long since I used it. It is different from SQL I do know that.

Is there some reason you are still using Pervasive? Any thought of updating to SQL?

Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Macola, Synergy, and Crystal Reports. Check out our Macola tools:
Well, my employer has been using Pervasive for so long, they have let versions pass by, because it worked and was a pain to set up the custome printers, etc. As I understand it, this version does not work with ms SQL. Our shipping program is dependent on it too.

But we will be moving to an all-in-one dba manufacturing system next year. This is a quick fix with the old software bcause the old box/hard drive is about to die. Its temporary but necessary. All my research on this has brought me here. I made it this far with your help, thanks.

I think I can work it out, just safer to ask. Hate to give myself tons more work. Any Retro kids out there who have details about this old verion of Macola? Retaining printer and custom settings?
I appreciate all the help, I have one more question (for anyone in the know) about my move to the new server. FYI, I am running an older version of Macola 7.6.200, functioning on 2003.

Basically my question is this: When I install our 3 existing macola client workstations to the new server, must I UNINSTALL the client, or can I just do a REPAIR (install over top)? Will I be able preserve custom user settings? (ie. forms, tabs, print settings.)

I should not have to do any install at all. It should just be remapping the macola drive. You did say PSQL. If so only issue you may have would be with SAT entries which you may have to remove from the registry.
Great, thanks. I will be ready for that pitfall. In researching SAT entries, I found a thread addressing PSQL 7 and 8, but not 9, which is our version.

The format for SAT REGKEY entries was shown as "SERVERNAME,NOS,AddrResolution,LANA"
(ie. SAT ENTRY 0 = APPSERV,2,3,0)
After the server name, there are 3 values.

But when I check OUR workstations, they have 4 values. (ie. SAT ENTRY 0 = APPSERV,2,3,0,1)

I am assuming the 4th value was added to version 9.

either way, the advice was not to delete them BUT to set all the values to zero and allow them to reset automatically if there is an error. Does this sound right?

I show 2 REG entries on both our old current server AND my test enironment. They have the exact same SAT 0 entry of "APPSERV,2,3,0,1". However the SAT 1 entries are different (2,3,3,1 / 0,4,3,0). Is this portentous of a problem? Why are there 2 anyway?

Now I am getting a Status 161 on PWE login.

Research has lead me to a licensing error. Either I have exceeded our 5 user license on my test network, OR my licensing logger is disabled becasue I have unable to update/register my appserver os (2003R2). My test network has been isolated, not on internet.

I am running PSQL 9, and NOT workgroup.
Turns out Status 161 was from my Evaluation copy of PSQL 9.
30 days and poof! Decided not to buy new version and
installed our old copy of PSQL 2000i, which works fine.
I was afraid it would act up on 2003, but so far, so good. Thanks for everyone's help.
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