Progression 7.6.400a
MSSQL 2000 SP4
Working in OE Enter Orders screenset (OE0101), our users are accustomed to saving the OE Header record with an <Enter> key stroke while in one of two "comments" fields. These are "user_def_fld_n" fields with a value list, and additional input allowed.
With no Flex project associated with the screenset, the user can save the header record with an <Enter> key stroke, but with a Flex project (even with no code), they must set the focus on another field in order to save.
Of course, this is not a show-stopper, but I'd like to honor their request, and at least understand why these field behaves differently with Flex.
I can trap the <Enter> key with a KeyUp event (IF keycode - "13" then...) but so far I'm unable to set focus on another field or use the saverec method to save the header record and move to the details tab.
So I suppose there are 2 questions:
Why does the macComboEntry behavior change with a Flex project (even with no code)?
How do I save the OE header record when the <Enter> key is pressed in a macComboEntry field?
MSSQL 2000 SP4
Working in OE Enter Orders screenset (OE0101), our users are accustomed to saving the OE Header record with an <Enter> key stroke while in one of two "comments" fields. These are "user_def_fld_n" fields with a value list, and additional input allowed.
With no Flex project associated with the screenset, the user can save the header record with an <Enter> key stroke, but with a Flex project (even with no code), they must set the focus on another field in order to save.
Of course, this is not a show-stopper, but I'd like to honor their request, and at least understand why these field behaves differently with Flex.
I can trap the <Enter> key with a KeyUp event (IF keycode - "13" then...) but so far I'm unable to set focus on another field or use the saverec method to save the header record and move to the details tab.
So I suppose there are 2 questions:
Why does the macComboEntry behavior change with a Flex project (even with no code)?
How do I save the OE header record when the <Enter> key is pressed in a macComboEntry field?