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Jun 22, 2001

How can i see what mac-address a interface has?

you could ping the IP address from another machine and then chack the arp cache (arp -a) or take a look at the VPD information.

# lscfg -v | more

look for the adapter name (ent0, ent1) and the network address is the MAC.


entstat -d ent0

Device Type: IBM PCI Ethernet Adapter (22100020)
Hardware Address: 08:00:5a:ba:b5:6c
Elapsed Time: 35 days 1 hours 5 minutes 9 seconds
How to Know Your MAC Address

For debugging, you may need to know your system¢s MAC address. Log on to a
system to which you sent a packet and check the system¢s ARP cache. This
gives you the correct answer, but is not a smart solution. Use the netstat -v
command on your system. You can see the line named Hardware Address
which is the MAC address as follows:

# netstat -v
Device Type: Token-Ring IBM ISA Adapter
Hardware Address: 08:00:5a:ab:23:19
Elapsed Time: 0 days 4 hours 23 minutes 14 seconds
Another alternative is to use the netstat -i command. Before issuing this
command, you have to configure the network interface. You will see the
following MAC address:

# netstat -i
Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
lo0 16896 <Link> 209 0 209 0 0
lo0 16896 127 localhost 209 0 209 0 0
tr0 1492 <Link>8.0.5a.ab.23.19 129 0 53 0 0
tr0 1492 9.68.214 zero.hakozaki.i 129 0 53 0 0

A MAC address is burned into a chip on the adapter card and you cannot
change it. RS/6000 allows you to assign an alternative MAC address. The
netstat -v command always tells you the original burned-in address. On the
contrary, the netstat -i command tells you the current effective MAC address. If
you configured an alternative one, it is

# netstat -v | grep Hardware
Hardware Address: 08:00:5a:ab:23:19
# netstat -i
Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
lo0 16896 <Link> 176 0 176 0 0
lo0 16896 127 localhost 176 0 176 0 0
tr0 1492 <Link>40.0.7e.8.66.70 204 0 58 0 0
tr0 1492 9.68.214 zero.hakozaki.i 204 0 58 0 0

Another way to get your MAC address is to issue the lscfg -v -l command. This
command always shows you the original burned-in address. Issue this
command as follows:
# lscfg -v -l tok0
tok0 00-1X IBM 16/4 PowerPC Token-Ring Adapter
Network Address.............08005AAB2319
Displayable Message.........ISA Token Ring &quot;Long live king Moshiach !&quot;
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