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Nov 22, 2013
Not sure if this is the right area for this post or not. Sorry in advance for all the questions in one post this is like a side project I have been avoiding for a few years now I need to do something about it.

Our family has a Norstar M8x24-DS system installed in the business with about 18 phones and 8 Copper lines attached for DID's. It is in need of a overhaul, while the system works rock solid I would like to add modern features to it. If possible I would like to make the current system do everything I need it to do without any added hardware / software, however if there is cheap way to integrate asterisk into the system I would also explore that as asterisk could add a lot of useful features to the business.

First let me list the equipment (I think this is everything I only took pictures and googled a little bit to figure out what is what so far)

1 M8x24-DS
1 Norstar FastRAD (not sure how to use this thing yet, but from what I understand it is a modem I can dial into and gain remote management of the system)
1 Norstar Flash (all I can tell about this so far is the box simply says norstar flash on it. I have not investigated this much yet

I would like to somehow accomplish the following.

Using the existing system.

- Add Music on hold, there appears to be a line plugged into somewhere with a old music on hold device, it is dead however the battery acid killed it. so I need a new music on hold source like a mp3 player or something simple I think will work. However when I plugged my phone in and played music it was bleeding on all of the phones speakers throughout the building, not sure why.

- Reprogram the phones with the correct user names and such, typical add moves changes stuff. (I would like to do this remotely or from a web based GUI, can I do this with the FastRAD thing? If so How do I connect to it?

- Add auto-attendant options so the calls stop going right to the receptionist, I do not think this system supports this but I could be wrong. How do I find out if it supports Auto-Attendant features or even voicemail.

Being in the UK means that the 8+24 systems were different, but I think I can answer most of your questions

The 8+24 system is a maximum of 8 lines and 24 extensions on the main control unit although you can add more modules for more lines or extensions etc via a fibre cable and card.

The Fastrad is as you have guessed a remote access modem that is connected via an extension port and it uses one of the phone lines attached to the Norstar system. You will need the Norstar Remote Utilities Software to access it via a computer in a GUI format.

The music on hold would have used an external source and this can be played to callers or even through the phones if it is enabled in programming. I used to plug my old system into a radio 3.5 mm jack outlet. Use Feature #86 to turn it off on the phones.

Auto attendant wasn't available unless you had the Star talk application (voicemail) module installed which enabled you to route your calls and create mailbox's.

Firebird Scrambler
Nortel Meridian 1 / Succession and BCM / Norstar Programmer in the UK
Advance knowledge on BCM support
Thank you for the info.

I have a usb to serial I will try to connect to the device later today, and I was able to get my hands on Norstar remote utilities, so it looks like I should have no problems there, I think someone was kind enough to write the password on the box itself for me in permanent marker too. We believe it use to have voicemail but are not entirely sure I will have to investigate that more in depth.

I am still researching the asterisk integration portion at this time so no update yet.

The really old Norstar kit like what you have is well past it's sell by date by a decade or two, but there are still thousands of them in use. They will last a long time as they had in my opinion, a kind of built in SSD inside the CPU and therefore there are no moving parts to fail!. It's just like the Avaya INDeX phone system. Great idea!.

NRU 11 was the last release, but you might have to use the Norstar Manager tool for your version and it might need another Tek-Tips member to tell you that as it is beyond my knowledge on US / CA systems.

Firebird Scrambler
Nortel Meridian 1 / Succession and BCM / Norstar Programmer in the UK
Advance knowledge on BCM support
I have both versions 10 and 11, I will see what one works. And yes the system is solid it works well, it just needs some help to fit into the modern days, I would love to get it integrated with asterisk for a really cheap solution to help with that idea. I am looking at the possibility of getting a asterisk server going, installing a PRI card and a 4 port fx card to dump the analog to the old nortel system, this I think would cut the phone bill down a lot and give me added features of asterisk, while still utilizing the old system. Time will tell what I can do..

Hello AvayaRedTech,

Hopefully, some of this information will be useful. As I am just someone who is playing around with telephony equipment. If I understand your post, you'd like to not spend too much money but would like to modernize the system a little. The Asterisk idea is very good, but you'll also need an FXS bridge which will connect your 8x24 to your data network. (PM me if you'd like, as I have a couple available--I hope I just didn't break the rules.)

The FXS bridge that I've used can be configured where each line would have a distinct username and password to your Asterisk (or FreeSwitch) server (further known as just server). This will allow you to make calls and use the server to process calls.

If you would like to keep the current phone lines, you'll also need an FXO bridge. Essentially going with this setup would make your setup look like the below diagram:

[pre]Desk Voice Terminals <----> Norstar 8x24 <----> FXS Bridge <----> Server <----> FXO Bridge <----> CO Lines[/pre]

Obviously, if you go with a VoIP solution, the FXO bridge and CO Lines would no longer be needed. I think if you were to implement something like the above, I think you'll be able to remove the Norstar Flash module since a the voice mail and auto attendant can be implemented in the Server. (Anyone please correct me if I am wrong as I just generally use my current setup for voice mail.)

Some comments that might be useful, but probably obvious (apologies if they are):
[li]Music On Hold: If you do not care where the music is really coming from, the server can provide the music on hold. However, you would not want to place the callers on hold on the Norstar you'd park the calls. This would effectively "remove" and "clear" a line on the Norstar but the call can be retrieved using the park number from the server, not the Norstar.[/li]
[li]Server choice: Standard computer based suggestions like backups/restores and hardware choice. I have already experienced three hard disk crashes so knowing how to do a backup and restore on the server is very important. (I was able to restore to a new hard drive in about 1 hour.)[/li]
[li]Server software: If you have the time and knowledge to compile your own binaries, I'd recommending going with FreeBSD and FreeSwitch. However, there are not as many bells and whistles as the available Asterisk based distributions. If you do not want to mess with all of that, I found Elastix to be really, really cool.[/li]
[li]I've found Mike's PBX Cookbook to be a good resource. Mainly for the 8x24 manuals.[/li]
[li]This (tek-tips) has also been very helpful.[/li]

Good luck,
This is only a suggestion, not a directive. You could convert your telephones to operate on the UCx from E-MetroTel, but you will have to spend some money to do that. But by getting a UCx, you could operate all of your Meridian phones on an IP PBX with all of the bells and whistles built in. All of the feature codes and the phones operation stay the same. Obviously this wouldn't be a very good solution if you want to keep the Meridian KSU. But it's a good pipe dream and a great concept to know about, in my opinion.

Joseph Sus Jr. Nortel Enthusiast
- Add Music on hold, there appears to be a line plugged into somewhere with a old music on hold device, it is dead however the battery acid killed it. so I need a new music on hold source like a mp3 player or something simple I think will work. However when I plugged my phone in and played music it was bleeding on all of the phones speakers throughout the building, not sure why.

The music is not "bleeding", its "playing".

Feature 86 to turn ON Background Music
Feature #86 to turn OFF Background music

If you hear a little hiss too on your sets when you dont have music hooked up then your set/s has Background Music turned ON

- Reprogram the phones with the correct user names and such, typical add moves changes stuff. (I would like to do this remotely or from a web based GUI, can I do this with the FastRAD thing? If so How do I connect to it?

You can also program everything via the telephone (one with 3 soft keys under display), its in the Installer Guide

- Add auto-attendant options so the calls stop going right to the receptionist, I do not think this system supports this but I could be wrong. How do I find out if it supports Auto-Attendant features or even voicemail.

When you go into Feature 983:
AA/Grtg/Grtg/1 etc is where you record greetings
AA/Table/1 is where you tell what greeting to play when
AA/Table/Lines/ Line 1 etc, this is where you tell lines to be answered by AA and how many rings

We take the time to try to answer your questions for free, please return the favor and take the time to answer back and include any resolution you found elsewhere, thanks.



Toronto Canada
Thanks for all the input, I have requested some quotes for metrotel equipment to see where we would stand with that price. But I do like the idea Ryyonal, however I am trying to keep it simple. I will wait for the metrotel quote to see what they offer then proceed from there.

I'd second the recommendation for a BCM50. These can be had quite reasonably right now. With 2 expansions you could interface a PRI directly, use IP phones locally and remotely, have embedded voicemail, re-use all your current phones, and have the system on your LAN for easy programming access.

Brian Cox
Georgia Telephone
(1 Norstar Flash (all I can tell about this so far is the box simply says norstar flash on it. I have not investigated this much yet)
This is your voice mail unit and your Auto Attendant 24 mailboxes plus general delivery and system manager
"with about 18 phones and 8 Copper lines attached for DID's"
you dont have DID's unless you have DID trunks and they only work in a trunk expansion module They require telco DID trunks at the CO end .
the trunks you have are just for regular telephone lines 4 lines / trunk card
Other than you not having Did's you can do everything you mention with the system you have
Any decent norstar tek could have it working for you in an hour or two.
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