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M3903 to replace M2008

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Oct 29, 2003

I have an Option 11C system. The TN of a particular phone is showing up as a 2008 in OTM, but I need to upgrade it to a 3903. I'm trying to remove the phone from the system using the OUT command from the terminal. The TN is 16 0 0 4. I keep on getting the error SCH0128 indicating the terminal does not exist. I wonder if I screwed it up and somehow disabled the terminal? Is this possible?

I tried ENLU 16 0 0 4 and then a PRT, but I keep on getting the error SCH0805. I'm not exactly sure what that error is. Any suggestions you guys may have would be great.

either you have the wrong tn or you already outed it. Prt the dnb in ld 20 of the extension you are trying to rebuild. if the dnb no longer exist than you must have outed. Rebuild on 16 0 0 4 or if the dnb does print out and rebuild on that tn.

errsch0805="Specified TN is invalid" Are you sure the original TN was 16 4? I think you need a full set of cards in the Opt11 to have Card16. I have one myself and my max is 14. But i also have free slots left. I guess on of the more exp. guys knows that better.
I dont know about OTM, surely there is a way to print all TNs on a card. Make sure you can see the other TNs on the card. I use procom and would check it this way:
ld 20
Alternative: try to setup the phone on a different TN and do a move afterwards.
Thank you guys!!! That did it. I must have already OUTed the TN. I did a rebuild on 16 0 0 4 and it worked.

AsokTheIntern, I did a PRT TNB and it did show that I do have extensions on 16. I noticed that I have two Nortel cabinets that are the same size. I'm new to this system and still learning. Thanks again for your help.

OTM and the switch do not always agree right away, if the tn is active in OTM but not the switch then go to OTM and select the tn, then go to synchonize, select retreive, select selected. Then go to the scheduler, highlight the job, right click on it, then transmit now. The information from the switch will now be sent to OTM and the two should agree when the job is done. It may be that the tn is outed in the switch but OTM has not been updated with the information.

iam pretty new to it too and have to teach myself, but the guys on the forum a really helpful. Two Cabinets is normal for Opt11. If your interested open them and have a look at the cards. looking at the type of card can sometimes help already a lot. I pasted my overview as an example.
Card: Type: Function:
3 COT Trace
4 Falc/2500 Analog
5 Xfem Music
6 Dgt Digital
7 Dgt Digital
8 Dgt Digital
10 Mail Voicemail
11 Dgt Digital
12 Falc/2500 Analog
13 Dgt Digital
14 Dgt Digital

I also have a Meridian Crash Course Doc i found once in the forum. Quite helpful for daily little task and understanding. If you like i can post it.
mars1947, I tried that, but for some reason the OTM is still shwoing M2008. I have two entries for 16 0 0 4. One is CHG and one is CUR. The CUR is the old extension and the CHG is the new extension. However, they both say M2008 and the terminal says 3903. I don't know what's going on, but at least the right extension is working right now.

AsokTheIntern, can you please send me that doc? My email address is echang2 a(t) yahoo dot com. I checked out my cabinet and there are some interesting cards in there. I definitely have a lot of learning to do.

Now you will have to get rid of the new entries, this is where you have to outfox the fox. Highlight the CUR entry and just delete it, you can do that from the edit menu or just use the delete button on your keyboard. The entry should change to OUT, now with the entry still highlighted, go to edit at the top, scroll down to Global Update and click on it. The Select Data Field comes up, scroll down to SSTAT (Sync status) click on it and OK. Under Old Value arrow down to OLD and click on it, go to New Value and find New and click on it. Click Add, then OK and OK again next window. Now your CUR entry should have changed to NEW, I hope, again delete it with the delete key and it should disappear, you will still have the CHG line. Highlight the CHG line, go back now to Global Update, back to Select Data Field, back to SSTAT and under Old Value find CHG, under New Value find TRN, click on it, click Add, then OK and OK again, it should change to TRN and OTM will be satisfied. But it still shows the wrong set, highlight the tn, go back to Synchronize, select retrieve, select Selected, OK the next window, go to Scheduler page right click the job and Start Now, the switch should be able to send the correct data now to OTM and both should read the same. It is long, but it works.
Correction: Under Old Value arrow down to OUT (not OLD). Your CUR entry changed to OUT and then to NEW, for some reason the OTM will delete a NEW entry but not a CUR or OUT one.
echang2 I have run into this issue on our OTM. I would suggest you move the M3903 (using the system terminal or ProCom Plus) to an open TN (where it can wait) then build or copy a M2008 set to TN 16 0 0 4. After the M2008 set is in place on TN 16 0 0 4 go to your OTM and select and send the CHG, it's a Change job waiting to be sent to the scheduler for Processing. After the CHG job has ran go back and out the station on 16 0 0 4 through the OTM. After the set has been deleted return to terminal mode and move your M3903 back to TN 16 0 0 4 and then select in your OTM Synchronize - Retrieve - Specify - (type TNB) - and fill in the Terminal number (16 0 0 4). This last step should put your M3903 back in your OTM on TN 16 0 0 4 with full records.

Hope this works for you.

Melvin Russell
Communications Specialist
Mercy Health Systems - NWA
mars1947, I tried deleting the CUR and it does not change to OUT. However, I was able to delete CHG and that changed it to OUT. Then I followed the steps and it completely deleted the record. I then went into Synchronize, and specified the TN for it to retrieve. It is now back in OTM with the right extension, and type. Yea!!! Now I just need to figure out how to get his caller id to display when he calls people. His CDNA and DDNA is allowed. Thanks for your help.

wiremonkey01, I need to look into this ProCom Plus. Thanks for your suggestion Melvin. I'll try that the next time I run into this problem.
procom is the most used term emulation software out their and comes in real handy.. check the cls add, allow digit display, better one is, tdd tandon digit display.. you might have deny digit display ddd

john poole
bellsouth business

I found CLS and OCBA is denied, CLS is Conditionally Toll Denied, NCOS is 5, TGAR is 8, SGRP is 0 and XLST is blank. I also found CNDA where DDS is Tandem Digit Display, CNDA is allowed, DNDA is allowed.

I couldn't find Allow Digit Display or TDD.

OTM general information. NEW means that it does not exist in switch only OTM, OUT will out the TN from the switch, CUR is the record that existed before any changes were made.
You can restore the CUR if needed before you syncronize with the switch. Once record is Sync'ed, TRN, the CUR record will disappear.
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