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<% response.write "<a href.. window.open -syntext

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Jun 2, 2003
I get an error msg no matter what i try-
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03EE)
Expected ')'

I am trying the following syntext:
<%Response.Write ("<a href=""" language=""javascript"" onmouseover =""window.open("'file.asp?Id=" & paramId & "' , 'file', 'width=400,height=200,scrollbars=yes')"">bla bla </a>")%>
There are a couple of problems. Here's what needs to change (no promises that it's valid code, though):
<%Response.Write ("<a href="""[COLOR=red]"[/color] language=""javascript"" onmouseover =""window.open([COLOR=red][s]"[/s][/color]'file.asp?Id=" &  paramId & "' , 'file', 'width=400,height=200,scrollbars=yes')"">bla bla </a>")%>
Kinda hard to tell, but that's a strikethrough on that second red double-quote. Here it is changed:
<%Response.Write ("<a href="""" language=""javascript"" onmouseover =""window.open('file.asp?Id=" &  paramId & "' , 'file', 'width=400,height=200,scrollbars=yes')"">bla bla </a>")%>
In the first error, remember that two double-quotes in a row becomes a literal double-quote, so you need 4 if you want 2. The second error is just an extra double-quote.
Thanks ! it worked.
I have 2 more issues in this matter:
1. when the popup window is opened, the original screen (that calls the popup) changes to the root page , while it needs not to be changed.

2. How do I make the text of the href not be underlined, but still be clickable to the popup window?

Thank you so much
1. I don't know, I've never seen that. Sounds like a strange Javascript problem. Maybe the folks in the Javascript forum can help you, forum216.

2. Use CSS style sheets to remove the line. The folks in the CSS forum can tell you how, forum215.

PS: You'll save yourself a lot of quoting hassle in the future if you just turn off ASP tags for the line and user inline ASP for your variable, like this:
<a href="" language="javascript" onmouseover ="window.open('file.asp?Id=<%=paramId%>' , 'file', 'width=400,height=200,scrollbars=yes')">bla bla </a>
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