I installed a PCI Parallel Port on an XP Pro machine that already had another PCI Parallel Port in addition to the on board parallel port. Yes, these user needs 3 parallel ports and cannot use a switchbox due to issues with her accounting software via a Citrix server. The problem I'm having is the new card appears in the device mgr as LPT2, but not in the Add Printer Wizard. I see LPT1, COM1 and COM2, and FILE, in addition to the DOT4_00* ports used for the accounting software. Where is LPT2 or LPT3? Again, the ports are recognized in device mgr, but that's it. Creating a local port, which I called LPT2, did not help. One more thing, I was able to print DIR >LPT2 from the command prompt, but no test page or notepad text print goes to the printer. HELP.