Hi, I need a Low level library with good graphic routines. I need it to be optimised for speed. I am not any good with assembly so I can't write one myself... Please help me The faster the better. Thanks!
and download the Future Library. It's a complete graphics/SVGA library in ASM (VERY fast).<br><br>Hope I helped <p> Alex<br><a href=mailtoizzapz@libero.it>pizzapz@libero.it</a><br><a href= > </a><br>*** Q(uick)BASIC RULEZ! ***
PZ, I think I've seen Magnus01's question here before. Maybe it's time to throw together a FAQ that lists a few good QB sites?<br> <p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href=
I don't use libraies in my graphics.<br>Can somebody tell me about library<br>inclusion and use.<br> And why its a good thing to do? <p>Lupine<br><a href=mailto:RobertCorrina@patownsend.com>RobertCorrina@patownsend.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Answering Lupine's question:<br> Libraries are<br> - a group of subroutines that do something,<br> like handle super VGA graphics or database handling.<br> How to use QuickBASIC libraries<br> - if the name of it is xxxxxx.QLB, then <br> you can load it using QB /Lxxxxxx<br> - for compiling programs that use the library, <br> you need a xxxxxx.LIB file that corresponds<br> to the xxxxxx.QLB file.<br> - If you are only given the .QLB file, you can't<br> convert it to a .LIB file.<br> - If you have only the .LIB file, you can make<br> the .QLB file by using the menu option <br> for "Make library"<br> - If you have asm sources only, then you have <br> to assemble them and link them to get the .LIB file.<br> - in the QB code, you usually need to include<br> a .BI (QuickBASIC include) file, that has <br> all the declarations for the external library<br> routines. (e.g. Declare GouraudTri(x%,y%,z%,c%))<br> - You can call the library routines like normal <br> QB SUBs (e.g. CALL GouraudTri(myx%,myy%,myz%) or <br> simply GouraudTri myx%,myy%,myz%)<br><br> Libraries are good because<br> 1) you don't have to reinvent the wheel <br> (or a line-drawing routine, or modem routine, <br> or btree routine, etc.)<br> 2) they save you the time of writing equivalent <br> functionality, speed and correctness.<br> Libraries are bad because<br> 1) if you start using them as a newbie, you may <br> become dependent on them, and start asking <br> Is there a library that can solve all my problems?<br> If there were, programmers would be hungry and <br> homeless.<br> 2) If there's a bug in the library, you can't <br> fix them yourself (unless you have the source)<br> 3) It may take a while to learn the API <br> (all the SUBs in the library).<br> 4) commercial libraries are expensive $$$<br>
Another good one, Toshi! It would make a great QB FAQ.<br><br>Just a suggestion... if you sign on to Tek-Tips as a member we can start giving you Tipmaster votes. <p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href=
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