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Low disk space on partition C 1

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May 14, 2004
Forgive me as I am sure this has already been an issue, if so can someone link me to the string. If not I would really appreciate some help.

We have a Terminal server with about 50-60 users working on it at time. Performance is good with no high peaks of CPU and Memory. The only problem we have is disk space of the C drive where all the profiles are located. The disk is a Raid 1, but with a partition. The C drive is 20GB and the D drive is 50GB. C drive has 1.47 available while the D drive has 15.5 available. If I could start over and create one large drive I would, but I don’t think that’s an option. We keep battling with this as the profiles grow. We are continuously moving data from the small partition to the large.

What are my options at this point?

The best option would be to purchase a new disk and put all the user profiles on that disk. Or purchase a new disk and add space to the existing C partition. Is this possible, and if so how?
You can delete all the ms update uninstall files on the windows/winnt folder. Also if users are saving doc's redirect using gp to the D: where there is room. Also in gp disallow saving of temp internet files. Right now though run a disk clean up on the C:
I have done all this. I have applied as many bandades as possible. It's time for us to apply a permanent solution.

Thank you though.
You can also down-size the recycle file (garbage) on drive C. That helped me a lot.

Also, you could get a copy of Acronis Disk Director to resize the C partition into a slightly larger value--assuming you can spare the room from D.

Resizing the C: I considered but was told not to because it could because of the possibility of corrupting the windows files.
I think Acronis can resize the disk, haven't done it myself.

Shutdown the server, remove 1 of the RAID disks, this is like having a quick backup.

Start up server, RAID can run in a failed state. Install Acronis and try and resize the C:. If all is well then add the disk that you originally removed as a backup and RAID should start to rebuild.
(This is assuming it's hardware RAID, and I've only done this on HP servers).

I would find out what is taking up all the disk space in the profiles, are people saving items to their "My Documents" or their Desktop? It's possible to redirect both of those to their home drive on another server.
In the end, it's a small C: for a terminal server and resizing it is probably the best solution.

Another option you can try is Ghost.
You can move the some or all of the profiles to the other drive.

When the user is not logged in, copy the entire profile directory to the new location. I use xcopy source dest /O/E/X/H/K.

Then update the registry to reflect the new location. It is the "ProfileImagePath" found in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\<SID>. If you do not know the SID, simply search for the username within Profilelist.

Delete the old directory

I purchased the newest version of Acronics disc director and am going to give that a shot. I will remove A disk as backup and add space to C from D.

I'll let you know. Again thanks for all your great advice.
Have you tried it yet? Just curious as I am in the same state with my C drive as you are/were.
Not yet. I'm giving it a go tonight. I will let you know.
Bummer!!! I purchased Disk Director but then tried to install it on a server but got a message saying I needed to purchase the server version. I just checked that cost and it's $500. That's a hefty price tag. I still haven't had a chance to test this out and now am not sure if I will.
We purchased the full server version and I used it on two servers--very easy and no problems. You don't have to install the software on a server to use, just make a startup CD. That way you don't need to use valuable disk space for the Acronis. It was worth the money even though it was expensive.

To DTracy,

Can you please put the steps here? I am running out the disk space on my server and I really to get it fix.

Thank You,
You must have the full version in order to move partitions on RAID drives.

After you download the software, during setup choose to create a startup disk. You must have a CD burner and a blank disk. That's about all, just follow the instructions. When complete place in CD drive and re-start the server making sure you start from the CD. It would be a good idea to read through the instructions a little first to get an idea how everything works. Mainly, you can make all the changes you want but until you "commit" your changes nothing is done. So if you change your mind or make a mistake, no problem.

Anyway, its a simple to use program and is forgiving up to the point of commit. Also, their telephone support was pretty good.

Let us know how this turns out and if you need a step by step I'll help you but it will have to be next week. And the Acronis people will help if you call them.

Can you kindly post the steps please? I just don't want to have any minor error at all.

Thank You,
have you thought about adding a sata pci card and 2 x new hard drives then mirroring and extending onto the c:\ drives, might save a bit of money...just a thought!!

"Practice makes Perfect"
CPO rt'd RN
This is something I wrote and use to clean up our NT and Windows 200X servers C drives.(Yes, sadly we still run NT)
Just save it in notepad rename to dcl.bat or whatever catchy name you like. Rename windows within the file to winnt or whatever name your windows dir is. Add it to the root of your C drive and run it. (can also be ran on XP machines)
It will clean alot of junk out and may give you more time to implement a solution.

REM ****************************************
REM * Donnie's Cleaner v1.0 *
REM ****************************************
REM * Put this in the C drive and it will *
REM * remove temp files from the various *
REM * directories and profiles. *
REM ****************************************

if not exist "c:\documents and settings\all users" goto :ntcl

del c:\*.tmp /s
del c:\*.tmp /s /a:h
rd c:\windows\servicepackfiles /s /q
del c:\windows\temp\*.* /f /s /q
del c:\windows\temp\*.* /f /s /q /a:h
dir c:\windows\$nt* /b >hfa.txt
dir c:\windows\$nt* /a:h /b >hfb.txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in (hfa.txt) do call :hfcl %%1

for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in (hfb.txt) do call :hfcl %%1

dir "c:\documents and settings" /b /ad >d.txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in (d.txt) do call :2kcl %%1
goto :end

rd c:\windows\%1 /s /q
goto :end

rd "Documents and Settings\%1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5" /s /q
del "Documents and Settings\%1\Local Settings\Temp\*.*" /f /s /q
rd "Documents and Settings\%1 %2\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5" /s /q
del "Documents and Settings\%1 %2\Local Settings\Temp\*.*" /f /s /q
goto :end

del c:\*.tmp /s
del c:\*.tmp /s /a:h
del c:\windows\temp\*.* /f /s /q
del c:\windows\temp\*.* /f /s /q /a:h
dir c:\windows\$nt* /b >hfa.txt
dir c:\windows\$nt* /a:h /b >hfb.txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in (hfa.txt) do call :hfcl %%1

for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in (hfb.txt) do call :hfcl %%1

dir "%systemroot%\profiles" /b /ad >d.txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%1 in (d.txt) do call :ncl %%1
goto :end
rd "%systemroot%\profiles\%1\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5" /s /q
rd "%systemroot%\profiles\%1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5" /s /q
rd "%systemroot%\profiles\%1 %2\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5" /s /q
rd "%systemroot%\profiles\%1 %2\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5" /s /q

This looks like a great script! Thank you for posting this. I've been looking for a script like this.
Behold the power of DOS :)
If anyone could convert this into a vbscript that would be nice. I have tried on and off but vbscript just takes too many lines sometimes to do simple things. but maybe a powershell script could condense it a bit.
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