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Low disk space alert.... NOT

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Jan 8, 2004
I keep getting low disk space alerts from my server despite the fact when I fiew the space left there is smoething like 30 Gig left. Anyone else had / getting this ?
Does the disk contain multiple partitions?

Could be that a certain partition is nearing full.....


MCSE, A+, N+
The server has 3 x 36Gig Drives with RAID esentially creating 1 x 36Gig Drive (C:) I can only go by looking at C: properties saying that there is 30Gig free. Is there somewhere else I should be looking or should I just turn off the disk space alert off. Unfortunately I inherited this system and am unsure exactly how this was set up in the first instance.
Can u take a look in disk management for me "Right click my computer, manage"....

Is it h/w or software raid?


MCSE, A+, N+
I am not at the server right now but I am pretty sure it is hardware RAID. IBM xSeries 225 model server if that makes any difference.
yeah - sounds like H/W - when u can take a look at disk management, if Raid is Hardware Windows will see it as one drive - If raid 5 it sounds like the 30+GB of data you think is free is actually Parity.....

Only a stab in dark as u don't have server in front of u


MCSE, A+, N+
a wild gues, but certainly something to check out if you are out of options.
Maybe a rootkit is installed on your OS which masks the free disk space.
sysinternals released a new tool to check if you have a rootkit installed. Also Microsoft resleased a document how to check it...
Good luck...

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