I inadvertently lost the online standard color palette and would like to have it back. I can't find it, though, among the docker>color palette selections. Could anyone help me restore it? I'm using Corel Draw 9, MSIE6 & Win98. TIA pogito
Following your instructions, I was able to get the default Corel Draw on-at-a-time-color, scrollable color palettes docker - <i>thanks!</i> Let me now ask you: could I convert that to a 3xsomething color array where all colors are visible? This arrangement requires less space on the working screen and somewhat easier to use since the colors are all there to select. Thanks again.
In answer to your question, where all colors can be visible, here are two things you can do.
Option 1)
At the bottom of your color bar, that you restored, there is a vertical line with a black triangle beside it, pointing to the left. Click on it and all of the colors on that bar are displayed. To close the diplayed colors, just click on your work space.
Option 2)
Go to the top of the color bar to the grey tringle and left click-hold-drag the grey triangle out to the working area. The color bar will be undocked from where it was and it will now be on your work area. You can now size the box by moving your cursor to an edge where the cursor will turn to a double arrow so that you can size the box. when you want the color bar docked again just drag the box back to the far right and release and it will be docked again.
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