Technical User
Hi. I recently changed hosts and now my script (for resumes) only partly works. It will upload the typed info but not the images.
Am quietly going insane. Can anyone help?
Have tried every CHMOD under the sun and have fiddled with path ways but to no avail. I am sure it’s simple because it worked on the last server with no problems and I didn't change anything when we moved apart from pathways.
Can anyone take pity on me? Thanks so much
I think the problem might lie in the bit below somewhere but I am guessing:
#upload picture
if ($image ne ""){
$image =~ m/^.*(\\|\/)(.*)/;
$temp = $2;
$temp =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
$temp =~ s/%20//gi;
while (<$image>) {
print LOCAL $_;
$photo = "<center><img border=0 src=\"$imageUrl/cv/$username/$temp\"></center>";
$pictureurl = "$imageUrl/cv/$username/$temp";
if ($pictureurl ne ""){
$photo = "<center><img border=0 src=\"$pictureurl\"></center>";
$photo = "No Picture is Available";
Am quietly going insane. Can anyone help?
Have tried every CHMOD under the sun and have fiddled with path ways but to no avail. I am sure it’s simple because it worked on the last server with no problems and I didn't change anything when we moved apart from pathways.
Can anyone take pity on me? Thanks so much
I think the problem might lie in the bit below somewhere but I am guessing:
#upload picture
if ($image ne ""){
$image =~ m/^.*(\\|\/)(.*)/;
$temp = $2;
$temp =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
$temp =~ s/%20//gi;
while (<$image>) {
print LOCAL $_;
$photo = "<center><img border=0 src=\"$imageUrl/cv/$username/$temp\"></center>";
$pictureurl = "$imageUrl/cv/$username/$temp";
if ($pictureurl ne ""){
$photo = "<center><img border=0 src=\"$pictureurl\"></center>";
$photo = "No Picture is Available";