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Looping with XSL 1

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Mar 29, 2001
Hi all,

Need some help here. I have a xml document that looks like this :

<?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?>
<?xml-stylesheet href=&quot;WAstylesheet.xsl&quot; type=&quot;text/xsl&quot;?>
<order no=&quot;0001&quot;>
<orderPoint>Order Point</orderPoint>
<invoicePoint>Invoice Point</invoicePoint>
<supplierPoint>Supplier Point</supplierPoint>
<transactionCode>Transaction Code</transactionCode>
<narrative>Order Narrative 1 </narrative>
<narrative>Order Narrative 2</narrative>
<narrative>Order Narrative 3</narrative>

<Product id=&quot;001-000001&quot;>
<Description>First Item</Description>

The narrative line loops an unknown amount of times.
In my XSL file I need to loop through these narrative lines and collect all the values. I thought the code should look something like this:

<xsl:for-each selecet=&quot;narrative&quot;>
<xsl:value-of select=&quot;narrative&quot;/> <br/>

but this does not work. The closest I've managed to get is to bring only the first occurance down by leaving the xsl:for-each tags out. But, that helps me jack.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks alot
Use for-each if you loop through each narrative node. If you want to add the all up, use the xpath function sum():

<xsl:value-of select=&quot;sum(narrative)&quot;/>

Jordi Reineman
I tried to use the sum() method, as you suggested, but got the following response:

Unknown method. -->sum(narrative<--)

any explanation why?
Is there perhaps a xmlns declaration that I need to add to the proccessing instructions?

msturges --

If I undersdtand what you are trying to do correctly, you are simply looking to display each narrative line in your output. Since the <xsl:for-each> statement has already selected you &quot;Narrative&quot; node, you can not re-select it inside the loop.

This, I think, should do what you want...

<xsl:for-each select=&quot;narrative&quot;>
<xsl:value-of select=&quot;.&quot;/>

Note the select statement in the value-of -- That means &quot;the current node&quot;
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