I am trying to convert ctime to ymd format in my resultset, since I have 15 entries from my "email" table, i need to loop through all 15 entries, I am not sure how I can loop through it, can anyone help me on this:
my $start = DateTime->now->subtract( days => 15 );
my $end = DateTime->now;
my $searchresult = $c->model( 'Update::Email' )->search( {
-and => [
ctime => { '>=', $start->epoch }, ctime=>{ '<=', $end->epoch }
Thank you
my $start = DateTime->now->subtract( days => 15 );
my $end = DateTime->now;
my $searchresult = $c->model( 'Update::Email' )->search( {
-and => [
ctime => { '>=', $start->epoch }, ctime=>{ '<=', $end->epoch }
Thank you