I would like to send a string of numbers to a PL/SQL procedure from VB6.
The string of numbers represents unique IDs concatenated together. The string can only be 2000 characters, approximately the unique IDs of 200 records.
If the string is 3000, I'd like to send the first 2000 along, run the procedure, come back to VB and send back the next 1000.
Any idea on how the 'come back to VB and process the next 1000 characters' will work?
Here is where I plan on working this code in:
I would like to send a string of numbers to a PL/SQL procedure from VB6.
The string of numbers represents unique IDs concatenated together. The string can only be 2000 characters, approximately the unique IDs of 200 records.
If the string is 3000, I'd like to send the first 2000 along, run the procedure, come back to VB and send back the next 1000.
Any idea on how the 'come back to VB and process the next 1000 characters' will work?
Here is where I plan on working this code in:
'Count the number of rows selected
rowCount = gridPending.Selected.Rows.Count
Debug.Print "# rows selected: " & rowCount
For Each cellCount In gridPending.Selected.Rows
Set aRow = gridPending.Selected.Rows.Item(i)
FolderRSN = aRow.Cells(5).Value
RemoveFolders = RemoveFolders + FolderRSN + ","
'get the associated batch number
Set bRow = gridPending.Selected.Rows.Item(i)
Batch = bRow.Cells(6).Value
BatchNumber = BatchNumber + Batch + ","
i = i + 1
'If count is 200, Call Remove function
If i = 200 Then
Call Remove_Reassign(RemoveFolders, BatchNumber)
End If