I'm using Version 7.5. In the item Maintenance Window, when I onpen the Lookup window, I would like to have Item description instead of Short description showing by default. I have the VBA modifier. Can I do anything to switch this?
When you are in the lookup window, click on the drop down arrow for Additional Sorts. By Description is the first choice. Is this enough? Or are you looking for it to default to that?
I don't want it to sort by Short Description, I want when the item look up screen appears, it shows me item number first column the short description second column. I want to do away with the short description column and replace it with the Description.
1)Tools -->Customize -->Modifier -->eEnterprise --> New --> IV_Item_Number_Lookup
1) Open the Item Number Lookup Window from Item Maintenance
Selct Tools -->Customize-->Modify Current Window
Once you have the form open:
2) Select -->IV_Item_Number_Lookup from the Windows tab.
3) Open --> Double click on the area below the column headers marked IV_Item_Number_Scroll
4) Another window will appear with the data fields.
5) Switch the Description and Short Description fields (you may need to adjust the field lengths as the description field is quite long.
6) Give users access to modified form.
There's a dotted line on that window that separates the 1st and 2nd lines. It won't allow me to drag the Item Description field to the first line only below it.
Ok, I was able to move the Item Description to the 1st line. Now my question is, how do I change the heading button to say Description and not Short Description. Also, when I click the heading button for description, I want it change the search box above to search the Description field and not the short description field. Thanks
The column descriptions are on the first screen after opening the window (right above the area marked IV_Item_Number_Scroll).
You have to change the Text Icon (A) from the tool box and click into the description field that you want to change. When you are done click on the pointer (arrow) Icon in the toolbox.
Sorry for another question. Right above the area marked IV_Item_Number_Scroll is 3 buttons that are labeled from left to right: ASI_LU_Column_Array[1] , ASI_LU_Column_Array[2] , ASI_LU_Column_Button_Drop_List. Where is the Description button located?
what version of GP are you working with? I'm working with 6.0 I don't have the buttons you describe and the description fields for the column are on the fist screen that appears.
Try saving the screen then re-opening it. On my screen the column descriptions are at the top of the first screen that opens (right below Sort By IV Items).
You will need some 7.5 expertise with the descriptions then. It's probably a simple solution. Have you tested the screen to see if the actual short description was switched?
Since the column headings are buttons, maybe you can get properties for the buttons. Try Right clicking on the button, using the toolbox, or the menu options at the top of the screen.
I don't know about those arrays in 7.5; I'm even wondering now if the columns should be adjusted in the same way as 6.0. Is the item description now showing on the first line when you view the lookup window?
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